Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Developer's Guide

Adding Attribute Values

If the attribute name and value are strings, you might be able to use slapi_entry_add_string(). The following example builds an entry first by setting the DN, then by adding attributes with string values.

Example 5–5 Adding String Attribute Values (entries.c)

#include "slapi-plugin.h"

    Slapi_Entry * entry = NULL;        /* Original entry          */

    entry = slapi_entry_alloc();
    slapi_entry_set_dn(entry, slapi_ch_strdup("dc=example,dc=com"));
    slapi_entry_add_string(entry, "objectclass", "top");
    slapi_entry_add_string(entry, "objectclass", "domain");
    slapi_entry_add_string(entry, "dc", "example");

    /* Add code using the entry you created.....                  */


    return (0);

When working with values that already exist or with values that are not strings, you can use the following functions

The following example demonstrates slapi_entry_attr_merge_sv().

Example 5–6 Merging Attribute Values (entries.c)

#include "slapi-plugin.h"

    Slapi_Entry * entry = NULL;        /* Entry to hold LDIF      */
    Slapi_Value * values[2];           /* Attribute values        */

    entry = slapi_entry_alloc();

    /* Add code to transform an LDIF representation into an entry.*/

    /* Add a description by setting the value of the attribute.
     * Although this is overkill when manipulating string values,
     * it can be handy when manipulating binary values.           */
    values[0] = slapi_value_new_string("Description for the entry.");
    values[1] = NULL;
    if (slapi_entry_attr_merge_sv(entry,"description",values) != 0)
        /* Merge did not work if processing arrives here. */ ;


    return (0);

If the attribute exists in the entry, slapi_entry_attr_merge_sv() merges the specified values into the set of existing values. If the attribute does not exist, slapi_entry_attr_merge_sv() adds the attribute with the specified values.