Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Reference


The cn=Service entry identifies information about LDAP operations, or services, for an instance of Directory Proxy Server.

LDAP operations are add, delete, modify, modifyDN, search, compare, and bind. Each LDAP operation has a specific monitoring entry below cn=Service. For example, the add operation has the following DN:

cn=add, cn=Service, cn=InstanceId, cn=Instance, cn=Operating System, 
  cn=ProductName, cn=Product, cn=monitor

Entries below cn=Service can contain the following groups of attributes:


Provides configuration attribute values.


Provides operational status and availability status.

  • total identifies the number of operations received by this instance of Directory Proxy Server.

  • succeeded identifies the number of successful operations in this instance of Directory Proxy Server.

  • failed identifies the number of failed operations in this instance of Directory Proxy Server.

  • abandonned identifies the number of operations abandoned by this instance of Directory Proxy Server.