Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Reference

Connection Handler Thread

The connection handler thread decodes incoming requests. The connection handler is oriented to the LDAP or LDAPS protocol. When a request has been fully decoded, the request is put in the work queue.

The cn=Resource entry for the connection handler thread has the following monitoring DN:

cn=connection_handler_thread_name, cn=Connection Handler Thread,
  cn=Resource, cn=instanceId, cn=Instance, cn=DPS60, cn=Product, 

Entries below the cn=Resource entry for the connection handler thread contain the following groups of attributes:


Provides configuration attribute values.

  • operationalStatus identifies the status of the element. The value 2 indicates that the element is fully operational.

  • startTime identifies the date and time at which the thread was started.

  • stopTime identifies the date and time at which the thread was stopped.


The following statistics can be gathered:

  • Byte buffer pool statistics under cn=ByteBufferPool:

    • numTries

    • numHits

    • numMissesEmpty

    • numMissesSize

    • numReleases

    • availableStandardBuffers

    • availableOversizedBuffers

  • String buffer pool statistics under cn=StringBufferPool:

    • numTries

    • numHits

    • numMisses

    • numReleases

    • availableBuffers

  • Vector pool statistics under cn=VectorPool:

    • numTries

    • numHits

    • numMisses

    • numReleases

    • availableBuffers