Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Reference

Monitor Thread

The monitor thread checks the availability of remote data sources. A remote data source is considered to be available when the monitor thread can create one connection to the remote data source. The cn=Resource entry for the monitor thread has the following monitoring DN:

cn=monitor_thread_name, cn=Monitor Thread, cn=Resource, cn=instanceId,
  cn=Instance, cn=DPS60, cn=Product, cn=monitor

Entries below the cn=Resource entry for the search thread contain the same groups of attributes as described in Connection Handler Thread, and the following groups of attributes:

  • backendServerName identifies the name of the monitored remote data source.

  • checkInterval identifies the interval of time (in seconds) between two checks.

  • additionalCheckType identifies additional checking. The following values can be used:

    • 1 (no additional checks)

    • 2 (create a bind connection to the data source)

    • 3 (create a read connection to the data source)

  • serverIsAvailable identifies the status of the remote data source. The value is true if the remote data source is up and running.

  • totalChecks identifies the total number of checks.

  • failedAvailabilityChecks identifies the number of failed availability checks. An availability check is successful when a remote data source is up and running.

  • failedAdditionalChecks identifies the number of failed additional checks.