Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Reference

targetattr Keyword

The targetattr keyword specifies that an ACI is defined for one or more attributes in the targeted entries. The targetattr keyword uses the following syntax:

(targetattr = "attribute")


(targetattr != "attribute")

If no targetattr keyword is present, no attributes are targeted. To target all attributes, the targetattr keyword must be targetattr="*".

Targeted attributes do not need to exist on the target entry or its subtree, but the ACI applies whenever they do.

Targeted attributes do not need to be defined in the schema. The absence of schema checking makes it possible to implement an access control policy before importing data and its schema.

The targetattr keyword can be used for multiple attributes, by using this syntax:

(targetattr = "attribute1 || attribute2|| ... attributeN")

Targeted attributes include all subtypes of the named attribute. For example, (targetattr = "locality") also targets locality;lang-fr.

Wild cards can be used in the expression for the targetattr keyword, but the use of wild cards would serve no purpose and may reduce performance.