Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Evaluation Guide

Installing DSEE

This section outlines how to install the DSEE software. It provides a brief overview of the packaging formats required if you plan to use the Evaluation Kit, describes what component products are installed by the packages, and provides pointers to information about installing DSEE manually or automatically.

DSEE Packaging Formats

DSEE 6.0 is available in two packaging formats:

If you plan to use the Evaluation Kit, which requires both the Directory Server Resource Kit and the Directory Service Control Center, you need to install both packaging formats.

Component Products Installed With DSEE

The DSEE 6.0 distribution includes the following component products:

Directory Server has no component product prerequisites.

Directory Proxy Server depends on Directory Server to route LDAP requests to backend Directory Servers.

Installing the DSEE Software for the Evaluation Kit

For a production environment, install DSEE using the Java Enterprise System installer. For more information about installing DSEE, see Part I, Installing Directory Service Control Center, Directory Proxy Server, Directory Server, and Directory Server Resource Kit, in Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Installation Guide. For detailed instructions on using all features of the Java Enterprise System installer, see the Java Enterprise System documentation at

To evaluate DSEE in a non-production environment using the Evaluation Kit, you can install DSEE automatically by using a demonstration script from the Evaluation Kit, or you can install DSEE manually.

To automate the installation of DSEE, run the script as root. This script installs Directory Server and Directory Proxy Server using both the zip distribution and the Java Enterprise System distribution. The script describes each step of the installation as it proceeds. For more information about how to download and run this script, refer to the README file provided with the Evaluation Kit.

If you do not want to use the demonstration script, you can install each component product manually.

For information about installing Directory Server manually, see To Install Only Directory Server From the Zip Distribution in Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Installation Guide.

For information about installing Directory Proxy Server manually, see To Install Only Directory Proxy Server From the Zip Distribution in Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Installation Guide.

Uninstalling the DSEE Software

To uninstall the software automatically, run the script. This script shuts down all instances, removes any instance data, and cleanly uninstalls the DSEE packages. For more information about this script, refer to the README file provided with the Evaluation Kit.

For information about uninstalling the software manually, see Chapter 2, Uninstallation, in Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Installation Guide.