Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Evaluation Guide

Chapter 7 Managed Scalability

This chapter describes the features of DSEE that give it the ability to support hundreds of millions and even billions of entry deployments. DSEE allows a flat namespace, such as ou=people, to be split up across multiple sets of servers configured for multimaster replication. This chapter covers the following topics:

Load Balancing and Operation-Based Routing

Directory Proxy Server now makes it possible both to route different LDAP operations on the same client connection to different servers and to enable successive requests on the same client connection to be sent to the same LDAP server. In addition, Directory Proxy Server offers a wider range of load balancing policies.

Furthermore, you can configure Directory Proxy Server to load balance LDAP traffic across different LDAP servers depending on the LDAP operation requested.

You can select your load balancing algorithms using the DSCC New Data Source Pool wizard, as illustrated in the following figure.

Selecting a load balancing algorithm with the DSCC.

You can also use the DSCC New Data Source Pool wizard to configure the load balancing algorithm. The following figure illustrates how you define the percentage of read and write operations that are routed to each data source with the DSCC.

Configuring load balancing algorithms with the DSCC.

After you have configured the data source and its load balancing algorithm, you associate the data source with a data view by using the New Data View wizard, as illustrated in the following figure.

Illustration of the New Data View wizard.

DN and Attribute Rewriting

You can configure Directory Proxy Server to automatically modify the DN, attribute types, and attribute values of entries. A client application view of an entry can thus be significantly different from what is stored in the directory.

DN rewriting is supported for the following operations on one DN:

DN rewriting is also supported for the search operation base and the result entry DNs. The following figure illustrates how you can configure DN mapping using the Directory Service Control Center.

Illustration of DN mapping with the Directory Service Control Center.

You can also use the Directory Service Control Center to map attributes, as illustrated in the following figure.

Illustrates how to map attributes using the Directory Service Control Center.

See Creating and Configuring Data Views for Example Use Cases in Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Administration Guide for example configurations using command-line tools.

Customizable Data Distribution for Faster Writes

You can design your deployment of DSEE to distribute your directory across servers to help you achieve the best possible performance for your directory-enabled applications. Customized distribution also increases the availability of your directory and improves the ease of managing your directory. The workload for each server is reduced because the contents of the databases have been distributed among a number of servers. Yet, from a clients perspective, the directory appears to be a single directory tree.

Distributing your data allows you to scale your directory across multiple servers without physically containing those directory entries on each server in your enterprise. A distributed directory can thus hold a much larger number of entries than would be possible with a single server. In addition, you can configure your directory to hide the distribution details from the user. As far as users and applications are concerned, a single directory answers their directory queries.

For further information, see Using Distribution for Write Scalability in Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Deployment Planning Guide.

Where to Go From Here

To read more about the features presented in this chapter, refer to the following documentation.



Designing a scaled deployment 

Chapter 10, Designing a Scaled Deployment, in Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Deployment Planning Guide

Administering Directory Proxy Server 

Part II, Directory Proxy Server Administration, in Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Administration Guide

Designing a global deployment 

Chapter 11, Designing a Global Deployment, in Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Deployment Planning Guide

Overview of the Directory Proxy Server architecture 

Part II, Directory Proxy Server Reference, in Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Reference

About Directory Proxy Server load balancing and client affinity 

Chapter 25, Directory Proxy Server Load Balancing and Client Affinity, in Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Reference

Configuring load balancing 

Chapter 22, Directory Proxy Server Load Balancing and Client Affinity, in Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Administration Guide

For a hands-on demonstration of the features described in this chapter, use the scripts provided with the Evaluation Kit. The following table lists the scripts available to demonstrate each feature.


Evaluation Script

Load balancing and operation routing

Mapping DNs