Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Evaluation Guide

Advanced Command-Line Interface

The DSEE CLI is designed to reduce all administrative tasks to a few commands. The look, feel, and use of these commands is similar across the DSEE administrative framework. For example, administrative tasks for Directory Server and Directory Proxy Server are performed with the dsadm and dpadm commands, respectively. The usage and syntax of these two commands is similar.

The command-line tools wrap much of the complexity of LDIF-based configuration, enabling you to write more succinct, readable scripts. The Evaluation Kit demonstrates the major features of DSEE with a series of such command-line scripts. These scripts provide comments to explain how each command is being used before it is run.

Overview of the Commands

The DSEE includes the following new tools to facilitate command-line management of the server:

On a Solaris package installation, these commands are located in /opt/SUNWdsee/ds6/bin and /opt/SUNWdsee/dps6/bin by default.

Some administrative operations, such as starting and stopping a server instance, require a local agent. For the command line, the local agent is the command itself. The dsadm and dpadm commands run locally because they require the server to be offline or they require specific system rights. For example, if you use the dsadm command to change a certificate, the server can be running but the operation needs to be executed by a privileged user.

You can use the DSEE CLI to administer and configure your directory remotely. You can run the dsconf and dpconf commands remotely to create suffixes, server instances, and indexes. These commands use LDAP authentication, so you do not need a local user on your machine, although the server instance itself must be running.