Sun Java System Identity Synchronization for Windows 6.0 Deployment Planning Guide

Setting Multiple Passwords for uid=PSWConnector

After installing the Directory Server Connector for the primary installation, but before installing the Directory Server Connector for the failover installation, the password for the uid=PSWConnector user must be retrieved and saved:

bash-2.05# ./ldapsearch -h master1-us -b "dc=gt,dc=com" -D "cn=Directory Manager" 
-w <omitted password\> "(uid=PSWconnector)" userpassword
version: 1
dn: uid=PSWConnector,dc=gt,dc=com
userpassword: {SSHA}OUYr10Y2mHIyZfyVLM4O0nYi4UZGNSAVlAERRg==

{SSHA}OUYr10Y2mHIyZfyVLM4O0nYi4UZGNSAVlAERRg== is the password that the primary Directory Server Connector uses to connect to the directory server. Installing the Directory Server Connector for the failover installation overwrites this password. At this point, retrieve the entry again:

bash-2.05# ./ldapsearch -h master1-us -b "dc=gt,dc=com" -D "cn=Directory Manager" 
-w <omitted password\> "(uid=PSWconnector)" userpassword
version: 1
dn: uid=PSWConnector,dc=gt,dc=com
userpassword: {SSHA}k9AFSUGsY1NK038PvIB4lJzVNb0sQHh4JHJXFQ==

{SSHA}k9AFSUGsY1NK038PvIB4lJzVNb0sQHh4JHJXFQ== is the password that the failover Directory Server Connector uses to connect to the Directory Server. At this point, the Directory Server Connector for the primary installation can no longer log in to the directory, so modify the entry to include both passwords.

bash-2.05# ./ldapmodify -h master1-us -D "cn=Directory Manager" 
-w <omitted password\>
dn: uid=PSWConnector,dc=gt,dc=com
changetype: modify
replace: userpassword
userpassword: {SSHA}OUYr10Y2mHIyZfyVLM4O0nYi4UZGNSAVlAERRg==
userpassword: {SSHA}k9AFSUGsY1NK038PvIB4lJzVNb0sQHh4JHJXFQ==
modifying entry uid=PSWConnector,dc=gt,dc=com

After this process is complete, both Directory Server Connectors will be able to log in to the directory. To verify this, stop and restart the Identity Synchronization for Windows daemon for the primary installation on, and for the failover installation on After the connectors start and receive their configuration, they will open a connection to the directory. If there are any problems with the credentials, they are reported in the central logs.

Note –

Every time the Directory Server Connector is installed, a new password is generated and written to the uid=PSWConnector entry. If Directory Server Connector is uninstalled and reinstalled, this procedure must be followed again. Also, if the Directory Server Connector for the failover installation was installed before the primary uid=PSWConnector password was retrieved, save the current uid=PSWConnector password (for the failover configuration), uninstall and reinstall the primary Directory Server Connector, and then retrieve the current uid=PSWConnector password (for the primary configuration).