Java Dynamic Management Kit 5.1 Getting Started Guide

2.7.5 SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 Security

Because of backward compatibility, Java DMK 5.1 implements the security aspects of the SNMP protocol v1 and v2. However, you should implement the superior security mechanisms of SNMPv3, which are added in the Java DMK 5.1. SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 Access Control

SNMPv1 and v2 define an access control mechanism similar to password authentication. Lists of authorized manager host names are defined in an access control list (ACL) stored in a file on the agent side, called the IP ACL file. There are no passwords, but logical community names (IP addresses) can be associated with authorized managers to define sets of allowed operations.

The SNMP adaptor performs access control if an ACL file is defined. Because SNMP is a connection—free protocol, the manager host and community are verified with every incoming request. By default, the file is not loaded and any SNMP manager can send requests.

The ACL file is the default access control mechanism in the SNMP protocol adaptor. However, you can replace this default implementation with your own mechanism. For example, if your agent runs on a device with no file system, you could implement access control lists through a simple Java class. SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 Encoding

SNMP requests follow the standardized Basic Encoding Rules (BER) for translating management operations into data packets. At the communication level, an SNMP request is represented by an array of bytes in a UDP protocol packet. The SNMP components in the Java DMK provide access to the byte encoding of these packets.

Your applications can customize the encoding and decoding of SNMP requests, as follows: