Java Dynamic Management Kit 5.1 Getting Started Guide JMXMP Connectors

The JMX Remote API specifies an optional connector using a custom protocol called JMXMP, that is based on Java serialization running over TCP connections. JMXMP can optional use one or both of SSL and the Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) for security.

Communication between a given client and the server happens over a single TCP connection. Every message is a serialized Java object. Coomunication is conceptually in two independent streams of messages, from client to server and from server to client. Thus, there can be many concurrent client requests over the connection at any given time. Replies do not have to arrive in the same order as the corresponding requests.

Notifications are handled in the same way as for the RMI connector. A message from client to server asks for notifications, and a reply message from server to client supplies them.