Java Dynamic Management Kit 5.1 Getting Started Guide Client Authentication in the RMI connector

The RMI connector provides a simple way to add authentication. This mechanism is unambitious, but is powerful enough to build real solutions. However, where security is a major concern, users should consider using the JMXMP connector instead.

An RMI connector server can supply a JMXAuthenticator. This is a Java object with a method that takes an arbitrary credentials object and either returns a Java Subject if the credentials are accepted, or throws an exception if they are not. When a connection is made, if the authenticator accepts the credentials then subsequent operations over the connection are performed as the returned Subject. If the authenticator does not accept the credentials, then the connection is refused.

Challenge-response mechanisms can be introduced into this scheme by having the authenticator throw a specific exception containing a challenge. The client responds with new credentials that respond to the challenge.

A simple JMXAuthenticator is included in Java DMK 5.1. This simple authenticator is also included in Sun's implementation of the J2SE platform, version 1.5. The credentials consist of two strings, a role name and a clear text password. The authenticator consults a text file to validate the credentials. In this file, blank lines and lines beginning with # are ignored. Other lines must contain two blank-separated fields, again a role name and a clear text password. If the credentials match one of these lines then the connection is authenticated with a Subject containing the role name.

Obviously, where clear text passwords are involved, considerable caution is necessary. Connection privacy must be established if there is any danger of snooping. We talk of role names rather than user names so as not to encourage naive users to put real user passwords in the password file. A template file is included in the relevant examples that warns in comments that the file must be read-protected, that valuable passwords should not be used, and that in environments with strong security requirements this solution is inappropriate. We include this scheme for simple uses and for getting started, but expect that most deployed systems will prefer a system that does not use clear text passwords and that integrates into an existing security infrastructure.

Again, TLS also supports client authentication. Using the socket factory mentioned in 2.2 The MBean Server, the RMI connector can be configured to accept only clients that can authenticate themselves. However, in this case it does not currently support authorization based on the authenticated identity.