Java Dynamic Management Kit 5.1 Getting Started Guide Instrument Your Resources as MBeans

A resource can be any entity, physical or virtual, that you want to make available and control through your network. Physical resources can be devices such as network elements or printers. Virtual resources include applications and computational power that are available on some host. A resource is seen through its management interface, that is, the set of attributes, operations, and notifications that a management application can access.

To instrument a resource is to develop the Java object that represents the resource's management interface. The JMX specification defines how to instrument a resource according to a certain design pattern. These patterns resemble those of the JavaBeansTM component model. An attribute has getters and setters, operations are represented by their Java methods, and notifications rely on the Java event model.

A managed bean, or MBean, is the instrumentation of a resource in compliance with the JMX design patterns. If the resource itself is a Java application, it can be its own MBean. Otherwise, an MBean is a Java wrapper for native resources or a Java representation of a device. MBeans can be distant from the managed resource, as long as they accurately represent its attributes and operations. The MBean developer determines what attributes and operations are available through the MBean.

Device manufacturers and application vendors can provide the MBeans that plug into their customer's existing agents. Management solution integrators can develop the MBeans for resources that have not been previously instrumented. Because MBeans follow the JMX specification, they can be instantiated in any agent that is compliant with the JMX specification. This compliance makes the MBeans portable and independent of any proprietary management architecture.