Java Dynamic Management Kit 5.1 Getting Started Guide

4.4.3 Data Encryption

The last link in the security chain is the integrity of data that is exchanged between agent and managers. Two issues need to be considered simultaneously:


Both agent and manager must be certain of the other's identity.


The data of a management request should be tamper-proof and undecipherable to nontrusted parties.

These issues are usually resolved by a combination of electronic signatures and data encryption. Again, the implementation is protocol-dependent.

The SNMP protocols also provide password protection to agent applications. See 2.7.5 SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 Security and 2.7.6 SNMPv3 Security.

The HTTPS connector enables Java managers to access a Java dynamic management agent using HTTP over Secure Socket Layer (SSL). SSL security is implemented in the Java 2 platform. The HTTP/SSL connector provides identity authentication based on the Challenge-Response Authentication Mechanism using MD5 (CRAM-MD5). The HTTPS connector server requires client identification by default.

The behavior of the HTTP/SSL connector is governed by the particular SSL implementation used in your applications. For data encryption, the default cipher suites of the SSL implementation are used. The SSL implementation must be compliant with the SSL Standard Extension API.