Java Dynamic Management Kit 5.1 Tools Reference Guide

3.6 Mapping Rules

The proxygen tool uses the Java Reflection API for analyzing an MBean and generating its associated proxy MBean. The proxygen tool parses an MBean using the JMX-specific design patterns. The mapping rules that proxygen uses for generating the proxy MBean are described in the following subsections.

3.6.1 Mapping of Attributes

The proxygen tool generates code only for exposed operations of the MBean itself. Each attribute of the MBean is present in the proxy MBean with the same accessor getter and setter methods. Therefore, if an attribute is read-only in the MBean, the property is read-only in the generated proxy MBean.

3.6.2 Mapping of Operations

In addition to the attribute accessors, the proxygen tool generates code only for exposed operations of the MBean itself.

3.6.3 Methods in the Proxy Interface

The proxy MBeans that the proxygen tool generates also contain methods that are not present in the MBean. These methods are defined in the Java interface com.sun.jdmk.Proxy. The proxy MBean that is generated implements this interface. These methods are public methods that do not follow the design patterns defined by the JavaBeans component model.

These methods provide additional functionality for proxy MBeans and the management applications that instantiate them. The purpose of these methods is twofold: