Java Dynamic Management Kit 5.1 Tools Reference Guide

1.3.1 Advanced mibgen Options

Advanced mibgen options are specified with a -X prefix, as shown in the following list.

mibgen -X:advanced options mib files

-X:advanced options includes the following options.


Defines a valid mibgen property in the form name=value



When on, this option instructs mibgen to generate an attribute of type String for any object using a textual convention whose DISPLAY-HINT is 255a [ .use.display.hint=true]


Generate abstract MIB.

When on, this option instructs mibgen to generate an abstract MIB. The MIB class is an abstract class when the MBean factory methods are abstract. [ .mib.factory.abstract=true]


No table accessor.

When on, this option instructs mibgen not to generate any table accessors in the group of MBean interfaces. [ .mbean.table.accessor=false].


Handles unsigned long values.


Generates MIBs compatible with the Java DMK 5.0 implementation of SNMP.


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