Java Dynamic Management Kit 5.1 Tutorial

20.5 Trap Forwarding

Another function of an SNMP master agent is to listen to SNMP traps and notifications emitted by its subagents, and to forward them to its managers. The Java DMK 5.1 SNMP toolkit provides an SnmpTrapForwarder for that purpose.

How to configure the trap forwarding mechanism is entirely the responsibility of your main application code. The following are three possibilities for ways to configure your trap forwarding mechanism, but the list is by no means exhaustive.

The SnmpTrapForwarder handles protocol conversion. It is able to convert any of an SNMPv1 trap, or an SNMPv2 or SNMPv3 notification into any of an SNMPv1 trap or an SNMPv2 or SNMPv3 notification following the protocol conversion rules specified in RFC 2576.

20.5.1 Configuration of Trap Targets

You can pass specific manager addresses when forwarding for a specific protocol. By default the InetAddressAcl is also parsed. So the set of actual manager addresses is the trap blocks located in the acl file and the set of added targets. You can disable the InetAddressAcl parsing by calling the method setInetAddressAclUsed(false).

To enable trap forwarding you must start the trap forwarder.

Caution – Caution –

If you have manager addresses in your set of targets that are also present in InetAddressAcl, or you have no InetAddressAcl activated but are targeting the local host, your manager will receive the trap twice. To prevent this, configure the SnmpTrapForwarder carefully. You can, for example, disable the setInetAddressAcl parsing by calling isInetAddressAclUsed(false).

20.5.2 Proxy Forwarding and Notification Originators

By default a trap is sent as a notification originator. The difference between acting as a notification originator or acting as a proxy when forwarding the trap is detailed in RFC 2576 “Coexistence Between SNMP versions” Proxy Forwarding

Proxy forwarding is activated by calling the forwardAsProxy() method.

When translating SNMPv1 traps into SNMPv2 traps, the varbind received is reused. Three additional varbinds are appended, if these three additional varbinds do not already exist in the SNMPv1 varbinds:

The SNMPv1 agent-addr parameter is determined by the proxy extracting the original source of the notification from the varbinds, If the SNMPv2 varbinds contain a varbind whose name is snmpTrapAddress.0, the agent-addr parameter is set to the value of that varbind. Otherwise, the SNMPv1 agent-addr parameter is set to Notification Originators

Traps are forwarded as notification originators by calling the forwardAsNotificationOriginator() method.

When translating from SNMPv1 to SNMPv2, the SNMPv2 varbinds are the same as the SNMPv1 varbinds.

When translating from SNMPv2 to SNMPv1, the SNMPv1 agent-addr parameter is determined as follow: