Java Dynamic Management Kit 5.1 Tutorial

16.2.7 Configuring SNMPv3 Security for Agents

Before you run the SNMPv3 agent examples, you require some information about how SNMPv3 security is configured. Below are brief descriptions of the SNMPv3 security files that provide you with the information you need to run the SNMPv3 examples in this chapter. Full descriptions of the SNMPv3 security mechanisms are given in 19.3 SNMPv3 User-Based Security Model.

The SNMPv3 security mechanisms are defined in two text files:

The files used by the SNMPv3 agent examples are provided in the examplesDir/current/Snmp/Agent directory. These files are used by the examples in the subsequent sections of this chapter.

Example 16–3 A File for an SNMPv3 Agent

The identifies the SNMP engine, authorized user and the security settings for the SNMPv3 session:

#Local engine ID
#Number of boots

#User and security configuration

The local engine ID and the number of times that engine will boot are read by the agent when it is created.

The authorized users and the security levels for the SNMP session are defined by the userEntry. This particular file defines a user that implements authentication, but not privacy. Consequently, the settings are as follows:


The identifier of the local engine, as specified earlier in the file


The name of the authorized user


The authentication algorithm; in this case, HMAC MD5


The authentication password

Note –

User-based access control is not used by the examples in this chapter, so we do not examine the jdmk.uacl file here. See Chapter 19, Security Mechanisms in the SNMP Toolkit to find out how to implement user-based access control.

To Run the SMNPv3 AgentV3 Example
  1. After building the example as described in 16.1 MIB Development Process, start the simple SNMPv3 agent with the following command:

    You have to direct the AgentV3 example to its security file to run it.

    $ java -classpath classpath 
    AgentV3 nbTraps

    Set nbTraps to zero.

    You should see some initialization messages, including our notification listener giving information about the two table entries that are created. Access this agent's HTML adaptor by pointing a web browser to the following URL: http://localhost:8082/.

  2. Through the HTML adaptor, you can see the MBeans representing the MIB:

    • The SNMP_USER_BASED_SM_MIB domain contains information pertaining to the user-based security model implemented; see "Security Mechanisms in the SNMP Toolkit" for details of how to implement SNMPv3 user-based security.

    • The class=RFC1213_MIB MBean in the snmp domain is the MBean representing the MIB; it contains a name and information about the SNMP adaptor to which the MIB is bound.

    • The RFC1213_MIB domain contains the MBeans for each group; both name=Snmp and name=System contain variables with values provided by our customizations.

    • The RFC1213_MIB/ifTable domain contains the entries of the Interfaces table.

    • The trapGenerator domain contains the class that sends traps periodically, as part of our sample MIB implementation.

  3. In any of these MBeans, you can write new values into the text fields of exposed attributes and click the “Apply” button.

    This sets the corresponding SNMP variable, and thereafter, SNMP managers see the new value. This is an example of managing a MIB through a protocol other than SNMP.

  4. Press Control C when you have finished viewing the agent.