Sun Java System Message Queue 4.1 Release Notes

Product Registry and JES

Version 4.1 of Message Queue is installed by a new installer, which also installs and upgrades the shared components that Message Queue needs; for example, JDK, NSS libraries, JavaHelp, and so on. This installer and the Java Enterprise System (JES) installer do not share the same product registry. If a version of Message Queue that was installed with JES is removed and upgraded to Message Queue 4.1 by the Message Queue installer, the JES product registry may be in an inconsistent state. As a result, when the JES uninstaller is run, it may inadvertently remove Message Queue 4.1 and the shared components upon which it depends, which it did not install.

The best way to upgrade software that was installed by the JES installer is as follows.

  1. Use the JES uninstaller to remove Message Queue and its shared components.

  2. Use the Message Queue installer to install Message Queue 4.1.