Sun Java System Message Queue 4.1 Administration Guide

Removing a Broker on Solaris or Linux

To remove a broker instance on the Solaris or Linux platform, use the imqbrokerd command with the -remove option:

   imqbrokerd  [options…]  -remove instance

For example, if the name of the broker is myBroker, the command would be

   imqbrokerd  -name myBroker  -remove instance

The command deletes the entire instance directory for the specified broker.

If the broker is set up to start automatically at system startup, edit the configuration file /etc/imq/imqbrokerd.conf (Solaris) or /etc/opt/sun/mq/imqbrokerd.conf (Linux) and set the AUTOSTART property to NO.

See Broker Utility for complete information on the syntax, subcommands, and options of the imqbrokerd command. For a quick summary of this information, enter the command

   imqbrokerd  -help