Sun Java System Message Queue 4.1 Administration Guide

Creating and Destroying Physical Destinations

The subcommand imqcmd create dst creates a new physical destination:

   imqcmd create dst  -t destType  -n destName
                      [ [-o property=value] … ]

You supply the destination type (q for a queue or t for a topic) and the name of the destination. The name must conform to the following rules:

For example, the following command creates a queue destination named XQueue:

   imqcmd create dst  -t q  -n XQueue

The imqcmd create dst command may also optionally include any property values you wish to set for the destination, specified with the -o option. For example, the following command creates a topic destination named hotTopic with a maximum message length of 5000 bytes:

   imqcmd create dst  -t t  -n hotTopic  -o maxBytesPerMsg=5000

See Chapter 15, Physical Destination Property Reference for reference information about the physical destination properties that can be set with this option. (For auto-created destinations, you set default property values in the broker’s instance configuration file; see Table 14–3 for information on these properties.)

To destroy a physical destination, use the imqcmd destroy dst subcommand:

   imqcmd destroy dest  -t destType  -n destName

This purges all messages at the specified destination and removes it from the broker; the operation is not reversible.

For example, the following command destroys the queue destination named curlyQueue:

   imqcmd destroy dest  -t q  -n curlyQueue  -u admin

Note –

You cannot destroy the dead message queue.