Sun Java System Message Queue 4.1 Administration Guide

Using the Command Utility

The Message Queue Command utility (imqcmd) enables you to manage the broker and its services interactively from the command line. See Command Utility for general reference information about the syntax, subcommands, and options of the imqcmd command, and Chapter 14, Broker Properties Reference for specific information on the configuration properties used to specify broker behavior.

Specifying the User Name and Password

Because each imqcmd subcommand is authenticated against the user repository, it requires a user name and password. The only exceptions are commands that use the -h or -H option to display help, and those that use the -v option to display the product version.

Use the -u option to specify an administrative user name. For example, the following command displays information about the default broker:

   imqcmd query bkr  -u admin

If you omit the user name, the command will prompt you for it.

Note –

For simplicity, the examples in this chapter use the default user name admin as the argument to the -u option. In a real-life production environment, you would use a custom user name.

Specify the password using one of the following methods:

Note –

In previous versions of Message Queue, you could use the -p option to specify a password on the imqcmd command line. As of Message Queue 4.0, this option is deprecated and is no longer supported; you must instead use one of the methods listed above.

Specifying the Broker Name and Port

Most imqcmd subcommands use the -b option to specify the host name and port number of the broker to which the command applies:

   -b hostName:portNumber

If no broker is specified, the command applies by default to a broker running on the local host (localhost) at port number 7676. To issue a command to a broker that is running on a remote host, listening on a nondefault port, or both, you must use the -b option to specify the host and port explicitly.

Displaying the Product Version

To display the Message Queue product version, use the -v option. For example:

   imqcmd  -v

If you enter an imqcmd command line containing the -v option in addition to a subcommand or other options, the Command utility processes only the -v option. All other items on the command line are ignored.

Displaying Help

To display help on the imqcmd command, use the -h or -H option, and do not use a subcommand. You cannot get help about specific subcommands.

For example, the following command displays help about imqcmd:

   imqcmd  -H

If you enter an imqcmd command line containing the -h or -H option in addition to a subcommand or other options, the Command utility processes only the -h or -H option. All other items on the command line are ignored.


The examples in this section illustrate how to use the imqcmd command.

The following example lists the properties of the broker running on host localhost at port 7676, so the -b option is unnecessary:

   imqcmd query bkr  -u admin

The command uses the default administrative user name (admin) and omits the password, so that the command will prompt for it.

The following example lists the properties of the broker running on the host myserver at port 1564. The user name is aladdin:

   imqcmd query bkr  -b myserver:1564  -u aladdin

(For this command to work, the user repository would need to be updated to add the user name aladdin to the admin group.)

The following example lists the properties of the broker running on localhost at port 7676. The initial timeout for the command is set to 20 seconds and the number of retries after timeout is set to 7. The user’s password is in a password file called myPassfile, located in the current directory at the time the command is invoked.

   imqcmd query bkr  -u admin  -passfile myPassfile  -rtm 20  -rtr 7

For a secure connection to the broker, these examples could include the -secure option. This option causes the Command utility to use the ssladmin service if that service has been configured and started.