Sun Java System Message Queue 4.1 Administration Guide

Transport Protocols

Message Queue software allows clients to communicate with the broker using various low-level transport protocols. Message Queue supports the connection services (and corresponding protocols) described in Connection Services.

The choice of protocols is based on application requirements (encrypted, accessible through a firewall), but the choice affects overall performance.

Figure 11–2 Transport Protocol Speeds

Diagram showing relative speeds of different transport
protocols. Effect is explained in text.

Our tests compared throughput for TCP and SSL for two cases: a high-reliability scenario (1k persistent messages sent to topic destinations with durable subscriptions and using AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE acknowledgment mode) and a high-performance scenario (1k nonpersistent messages sent to topic destinations without durable subscriptions and using DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE acknowledgment mode).

In general we found that protocol has less effect in the high-reliability case. This is probably because the persistence overhead required in the high-reliability case is a more important factor in limiting throughput than the protocol speed. Additionally: