Sun Java System Message Queue 4.1 Administration Guide


This Sun JavaTM System Message Queue 4.1 Administration Guide provides background and information needed by system administrators to set up and manage a Sun Java System Message Queue messaging system.

This preface consists of the following sections:

Who Should Use This Book

This guide is intended for administrators and application developers who need to perform Message Queue administrative tasks. A Message Queue administrator is responsible for setting up and managing a Message Queue messaging system, especially the message broker at the heart of the system.

Before You Read This Book

Before reading this guide, you should read the Sun Java System Message Queue 4.1 Technical Overview to become familiar with Message Queue’s implementation of the Java Message Service specification, with the components of the Message Queue service, and with the basic process of developing, deploying, and administering a Message Queue application.

How This Book Is Organized

Table P–1 describes the contents of this manual.

Table P–1 Contents of This Manual



Part I, Introduction to Message Queue Administration

Chapter 1, “Administrative Tasks and Tools”

Introduces Message Queue administrative tasks and tools.  

Chapter 2, “Quick-Start Tutorial”

Provides a hands-on tutorial to acquaint you with the Message Queue Administration Console.  

Part II, Administrative Tasks

Chapter 3, “Starting Brokers and Clients”

Describes how to start the Message Queue broker and clients.  

Chapter 4, “Broker Configuration”

Describes how configuration properties are set and read, and gives an introduction to the configurable aspects of the broker. Also describes how to set up a file or database to perform persistence functions.  

Chapter 5, “Broker Management”

Describes broker management tasks.  

Chapter 6, “Physical Destinations”

Describes management tasks relating to physical destinations.  

Chapter 7, “Administered Objects”

Describes the object store and shows how to perform tasks related to administered objects (connection factories and destinations).  

Chapter 8, “Broker Clusters”

Describes how to set up and manage a cluster of Message Queue brokers.  

Chapter 9, “Security”

Describes security-related tasks, such as managing password files, authentication, authorization, and encryption.  

Chapter 10, “Monitoring Broker Operations”

Describes how to set up and use Message Queue monitoring facilities.  

Chapter 11, “Analyzing and Tuning a Message Service”

Describes techniques for analyzing and optimizing message service performance.  

Chapter 12, “Troubleshooting”

Provides suggestions for determining the cause of common Message Queue problems and the actions you can take to resolve them.  

Part III, Reference

Chapter 13, “Command Line Reference”

Provides syntax and descriptions for Message Queue command line utilities.  

Chapter 14, “Broker Properties Reference”

Describes the configuration properties of Message Queue message brokers.  

Chapter 15, “Physical Destination Property Reference”

Describes the configuration properties of physical destinations.  

Chapter 16, “Administered Object Attribute Reference”

Describes the configuration properties of administered objects (connection factories and destinations).  

Chapter 17, “JMS Resource Adapter Property Reference”

Describes the configuration properties of the Message Queue Resource Adapter for use with an application server.  

Chapter 18, “Metrics Reference”

Describes the metric information that a Message Queue message broker can provide for monitoring, turning, and diagnostic purposes. . 

Chapter 19, “JES Monitoring Framework Reference”

Lists Message Queue attributes that are accessible by means of the Java Enterprise System Monitoring Framework (JESMF).

Part IV, Appendixes

Appendix A,“ Platform-Specific Locations of Message Queue Data”

Lists the locations of Message Queue files on each supported platform.  

Appendix B,“ Stability of Message Queue Interfaces”

Describes the stability of various Message Queue interfaces.  

Appendix C, “HTTP/HTTPS Support”

Describes how to set up and use the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) for Message Queue communication.

Appendix D, “JMX Support”

Describes Message Queue’s administrative support for client programs using the Java Management Extensions (JMX) application programming interface

Appendix E, “Frequently Used Command Utility Commands”

Lists some frequently used Message Queue Command utility (imqcmd) commands.

Documentation Conventions

This section describes various conventions used in Message Queue documentation.

Typographic Conventions

Table P–2 shows the typographic conventions used inMessage Queue documentation.

Table P–2 Typographic Conventions





Names of commands, files, and directories, and onscreen computer output 

Edit your .login file.

Use ls -a to list all files.

machine_name% you have mail.


What you type, contrasted with onscreen computer output 

machine_name% su



Placeholder: replace with a real name or value 

The command to remove a file is rm fileName.


Book titles, new terms, and emphasized words 

Read Chapter 6 in the User's Guide.

A cache is a copy that is stored locally.

Do not save the file.

Note –

Some emphasized items appear online in boldface.

Symbol Conventions

Table P–3 shows symbol conventions used inMessage Queue documentation.

Table P–3 Symbol Conventions





[ ] 

Encloses optional arguments and command options 

ls [-l]

The -l option is optional.

{ | } 

Encloses a set of choices for a required command option 

-d {y|n}

The -d option requires that you use either the y argument or the n argument.

${ }

Indicates a variable reference 


References the value of the variable com.sun.javaRoot.

Joins simultaneous multiple keystrokes 


Hold down the Control key while pressing the A key.  

Joins consecutive multiple keystrokes 


Press the Control key, release it, and then press the subsequent keys.  


Indicates hierarchical menu selection in a graphical user interface 

File -> New -> Templates 

From the File menu, choose New; from the New submenu, choose Templates.  

Directory Variable Conventions

Message Queue makes use of three directory variables; how they are set varies from platform to platform. Table P–4 describes these variables and how they are used on the SolarisTM, Linux, and Windows platforms.

Note –

In this manual, these directory variables are shown without platform-specific environment variable notation or syntax (such as $IMQ_HOME on UNIX). Non-platform-specific pathnames use UNIX directory separator (/) notation.

Table P–4 Directory Variable Conventions




Message Queue home directory:  

  • Unused on Solaris and Linux; there is no Message Queue home directory.

  • On Windows, denotes the directory mqInstallHome\mq, where mqInstallHome is the installation home directory specified when the product was installed (by default, C:\Program Files\Sun\MessageQueue).

Note –

The information above applies only to the standalone installation of Message Queue. When Message Queue is installed and run as part of a Sun Java System Application Server installation, IMQ_HOME is set to appServerInstallDir/imq, where appServerInstallDir is the Application Server installation directory.


Directory in which Message Queue temporary or dynamically created configuration and data files are stored; can be set as an environment variable to point to any directory.  

  • On Solaris, defaults to /var/imq.

  • On Linux, defaults to /var/opt/sun/mq.

  • On Windows, defaults to IMQ_HOME\var.

Note –

The information above applies only to the standalone installation of Message Queue. When Message Queue is installed and run as part of a Sun Java System Application Server installation, IMQ_VARHOME is set to appServerDomainDir/imq, where appServerDomainDir is the domain directory for the domain starting the Message Queue broker.


Location of the Java runtime environment (JRE) used by Message Queue executables.

Related Documentation

The information resources listed in this section provide further information about Message Queue in addition to that contained in this manual.

Message Queue Documentation Set

Table P–5 lists the documents in the Message Queue documentation set, in the order in which you would normally use them. These documents are available through the Sun documentation Web site at

Click “Sun Java Systems,” followed by “Software,” “Application & Integration Services,” and then “Message Queue.”

Table P–5 Message Queue Documentation Set




Message Queue Installation Guide

Developers and administrators 

Explains how to install Message Queue software on Solaris, Linux, and Windows platforms 

Message Queue Release Notes

Developers and administrators 

Includes descriptions of new features, limitations, and known bugs, as well as technical notes 

Message Queue Technical Overview

Developers and administrators 

Introduces basic Message Queue concepts, features, and components 

Message Queue Administration Guide

Administrators (also recommended for developers) 

Provides background and information needed by system administrators to set up and manage a Message Queue messaging system 

Message Queue Developer’s Guide for Java Clients


Provides information on developing Java client programs using Message Queue's Java application programming interface 

Message Queue Developer’s Guide for C Clients


Provides information on developing C and C++ client programs using Message Queue's C application programming interface (C API)

Message Queue Developer’s Guide for JMX Clients


Provides information on developing Java client programs using the Message Queue implementation of the Java Management Extensions (JMX) application programming interface

Java Message Service (JMS) Specification

The Message Queue message service conforms to the Java Message Service (JMS) application programming interface, described in the Java Message Service Specification. This document can be found at the URL


JMS and Message Queue API documentation in JavaDoc format is included in your Message Queue installation at the locations shown in Table P–6, depending on your platform. This documentation can be viewed in any HTML browser. It includes standard JMS API documentation as well as Message Queue–specific APIs.

Table P–6 JavaDoc Locations









where IMQ_HOME is the Message Queue home directory

Example Client Applications

Example client applications providing sample application code are included in your Message Queue installation at the locations shown in Table P–7, depending on your platform. The README files located in these directories and their subdirectories provide descriptive information about the example applications.

Table P–7 Code Example Locations




/usr/demo/imq (Java examples)

/opt/SUNWimq/demo (C examples)





where IMQ_HOME is the Message Queue home directory

Online Help

Online help is available for the Message Queue command line utilities; see Chapter 13, Command Line Reference for details. The Message Queue graphical user interface (GUI) administration tool, the Administration Console, also includes a context-sensitive help facility; see Administration Console Online Help.

Documentation, Support, and Training

The Sun Web site provides information about the following additional resources:

Third-Party Web Site References

Where relevant, this manual refers to third-party URLs that provide additional, related information.

Note –

Sun is not responsible for the availability of third-party Web sites mentioned in this manual. Sun does not endorse and is not responsible or liable for any content, advertising, products, or other materials available on or through such sites or resources. Sun will not be responsible or liable for any actual or alleged damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any such content, goods, or services available on or through such sites or resources.

Sun Welcomes Your Comments

Sun is always interested in improving its documentation and welcomes your comments and suggestions. To share your comments, go to the Sun documentation Web site at

and click Send comments. In the resulting online form, provide the document title and part number along with your comment. (The part number is a 7-digit or 9-digit number that can be found on the book’s title page or in the document's URL. For example, the part number of this book is 819-4467.)