Sun Java System Message Queue 4.1 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Cluster HA Brokers Using a Cluster Configuration File

An alternative method, better suited for production systems, is to use a cluster configuration file to specify the composition of the cluster:

  1. Create a cluster configuration file specifying the cluster’s HA-related configuration properties.

    Table 8–1 shows the required property values. However, do not include the imq.brokerid property in the cluster configuration file; this must be specified separately for each individual broker in the cluster.

  2. Specify any additional, vendor-specific properties that may be needed.

    Table 8–2 and Table 8–3 show the required properties for HADB and MySQL databases, respectively.

  3. For each broker in the cluster:

    1. Start the broker with the imqbrokerd command.

      The first time a broker instance is run, an instance configuration file ( is automatically created.

    2. Shut down the broker.

      Use the imqcmd shutdown bkr command.

    3. Edit the instance configuration file to specify the location of the cluster configuration file.

      In the broker’s instance configuration file, set the imq.cluster.url property to point to the location of the cluster configuration file you created in step 1.

    4. Specify the broker identifier.

      Set the imq.brokerid property in the instance configuration file to the broker’s unique broker identifier. This value must be different for each broker.

  4. Place a copy of, or a symbolic link to, your JDBC driver’s .jar file in the appropriate location, depending on your platform:

      Solaris: /usr/share/lib/imq/ext/

      Linux: /opt/sun/mq/share/lib/

      Windows: IMQ_VARHOME\lib\ext

  5. Create the database schema needed for Message Queue persistence.

    Use the imqdbmgr create tbl command; see Database Manager Utility.

  6. Restart each broker with the imqbrokerd command.

    The brokers will automatically register themselves into the cluster on startup.