Sun Java System Message Queue 4.1 Developer's Guide for Java Clients

How This Book Is Organized

This guide is designed to be read from beginning to end. The following table briefly describes the contents of each chapter:

Table P–1 Book Contents



Chapter 1, Overview

A high-level overview of the Message Queue Java interface. It includes a tutorial that acquaints you with the Message Queue development environment using a simple example JMS client application. 

Chapter 2, Using the Java API

Explains how to use the Message Queue Java API in your client application. 

Chapter 3, Message Queue Clients: Design and Features

Describes architectural and configuration issues that depend upon Message Queue’s implementation of the Java Message Specification. 

Chapter 4, Using the Metrics Monitoring API

Describes message-based monitoring, a customized solution to metrics gathering that allows metrics data to be accessed programmatically and then to be processed in whatever way suits the consuming client. 

Chapter 5, Working with SOAP Messages

Explains how you send and receive SOAP messages with and without Message Queue support. 

Appendix A, Warning Messages and Client Error Codes

Provides reference information for warning messages and error codes returned by the Message Queue client runtime when it raises a JMS exception.