Sun Java System Message Queue 4.1 Developer's Guide for Java Clients

Directory Variable Conventions

Message Queue makes use of three directory variables; how they are set varies from platform to platform. Table P–3 describes these variables and how they are used on the Solaris, Linux, and Windows platforms.

Note –

The information in Table P–3 applies only to the standalone installation of Message Queue. When Message Queue is installed and run as part of an Application Server installation, the values of the directory variables are set differently: IMQ_HOME is set to appServer_install_dir/imq (where appServer_install_dir is the Application Server installation directory), and IMQ_VARHOME is set to appServer_domainName_dir/imq (where appServer_domainName_dir is the domain directory for the domain starting the Message Queue broker).

Table P–3 Directory Variable Conventions




Used in Message Queue documentation to refer to the Message Queue base directory (root installation directory): 

  • On Solaris and Linux, there is no root Message Queue installation directory. Therefore IMQ_HOME is not used in Message Queue documentation to refer to file locations in Solaris and Linux.

  • On Windows, the root Message Queue installation directory is set to the directory in which you unzip the Message Queue bundle.


The /var directory in which Message Queue temporary or dynamically-created configuration and data files are stored. It can be set as an environment variable to point to any directory.

  • On Solaris, IMQ_VARHOME defaults to the /var/imq directory.

  • On Solaris, for Sun Java System Application Server, Evaluation Edition, IMQ_VARHOME defaults to the IMQ_HOME/var directory.

  • On Linux, IMQ_VARHOME defaults to the /var/opt/sun/mq directory.

  • On Windows, IMQ_VARHOME defaults to the IMQ_HOME/var directory.


An environment variable that points to the location of the Java runtime (JRE) required by Message Queue executables:

  • On Solaris, IMQ_JAVAHOME looks for the latest JDK, but a user can optionally set the value to wherever the preferred JRE resides.

  • On Linux, Message Queue looks for the latest JDK, but a user can optionally set the value of IMQ_JAVAHOME to wherever the preferred JRE resides.

  • On Windows, IMQ_JAVAHOME will be set to point to an existing Java runtime if a supported version is found on the system. If a supported version is not found, one will be installed.

In this guide, IMQ_HOME, IMQ_VARHOME, and IMQ_JAVAHOME are shown without platform-specific environment variable notation or syntax (for example, $IMQ_HOME on UNIX). Path names generally use UNIX directory separator notation (/).