Sun Java System Message Queue 4.1 Developer's Guide for Java Clients

Auto-Reconnect Behaviors

A broker treats an automatic reconnection as it would a new connection. When the original connection is lost, all resources associated with that connection are released. For example, in a broker cluster, as soon as one broker fails, the other brokers assume that the client connections associated with the failed broker are gone. After auto-reconnect takes place, the client connections are recreated from scratch.

Sometimes the client-side state cannot be fully restored by auto-reconnect. Perhaps a resource that the client needs cannot be recreated. In this case, the client runtime calls the client’s connection exception handler and the client must take appropriate action to restore state. For additional information, see Handling Exceptions When Failover Occurs.

If the client is automatically-reconnected to a different broker instance, effects vary depending on the clustering model used.

A transacted session is the most reliable method of ensuring that a message isn’t lost if you are careful in coding the transaction. If auto-reconnect happens in the middle of a transaction, any attempt to produce or consume messages will cause the client runtime to throw a JMSException. In this case, applications must call Session.rollback() to roll back the transaction.

The Message Queue client runtime may throw a TransactionRolledBackException when Session.commit() is called during or after a failover occurs. In this case, the transaction is rolled back and a new transaction is automatically started. Applications are not required to call Session.rollback() to rollback the transaction after receiving a TransactionRolledBackException.

The Message Queue client runtime may throw a JMSException when Session.commit() is called during or after a failover occurs. In this case, the transaction state is unknown (may or may not be committed). Applications should call Session.rollback() to roll back the uncommitted transaction.

If you are using a high availability cluster, the only time your transaction might wind up in an unknown state is if it is not possible to reconnect to any brokers in the cluster. This should happen rarely if ever. For additional information, see Handling Exceptions When Failover Occurs.

Automatic reconnection affects producers and consumers differently: