Sun Java System Message Queue 4.1 Technical Overview

Message Queue: Elements and Features

So far we have described the elements of message-oriented middleware and the use of JMS as a way of adding portability to MOM applications. It now remains to describe how Message Queue implements the JMS specification and to introduce the features and tools it uses to provide reliable, secure, and scalable messaging service.

First, like many JMS provider, Message Queue can be used as a stand-alone product or it can be used as an enabling technology, embedded in a J2EE application server to provide asynchronous messaging. Chapter 5, Message Queue and J2EE describes the role Message Queue plays in J2EE in greater detail. Unlike other JMS providers, Message Queue has been designated as the JMS reference implementation. This designation attests to the fact that Message Queue is a correct and complete JMS implementation. It also guarantees that the Message Queue product will remain current with any future JMS revisions and extensions.

The Message Queue Service

As a JMS provider, Message Queue offers a messaging service that implements the JMS interfaces and that provides administrative services and control. So far, in illustrating JMS providers, the focus has been mainly on the role of the broker in relaying messages. But in fact, a JMS provider must include many elements in addition to the broker to provide reliable, secure, scalable messaging. Figure 1–6 shows the elements that make up the Message Queue message service. These include a variety of connection services (supporting different protocols), administrative tools, and data stores for messaging, monitoring, and user information. The Message Queue service itself includes all elements marked in gray in the figure.

Figure 1–6 Message Queue Service

Figure shows components of the Message Queue service.
Figure explained in text.

As you can see, a full-featured JMS provider is more complex than the basic JMS model would lead one to suspect. The following sections describe the elements of the Message Queue service shown above. These elements can be divided into three categories: the broker, client runtime support, and administration.

Connecting to the Broker

As shown in Figure 1–6 both application clients and administration clients can connect to the broker. The JMS specification does not dictate that providers implement any specific wire protocols. Message Queue services, used by application clients and administration clients to connect to the broker, are currently layered on top of TCP, TLS, HTTP, or HTTPS protocols. (Services layered on top of HTTP allow messages to pass through firewalls.)

By default, when you start the broker, jms and admin services are up and running. Additionally, you can configure a broker to run any or all of these connection services. Each service supports specific authentication and authorization (access control) features and each service is multi-threaded, supporting multiple connections.

Should a connection fail, the Message Queue service can automatically retry connecting the client to the same broker or to a different broker if this feature is enabled. For more information, see the description of the automatic reconnect feature in Appendix B, Message Queue Features

Clients can configure connection runtime support when they create the connection factory from which they obtain their connections. Options allow you to specify which brokers to connect to, how to handle reconnection, message flow control, and so on. For additional information about how connections can be configured, see Connection Factories and Connections.

The Broker

At the heart of the message service is the broker, which routes and delivers messages reliably, authenticates users, and gathers data for monitoring performance.

The Message Queue service provides a variety of administrative tools that the administrator can use to configure broker support. For more information, see Administration.

Client Runtime Support

Client runtime support is provided in libraries that you link with when building Message Queue clients. You can think of the client runtime as the bit of the Message Queue service that becomes part of the client. For example, when client code makes an API call to send a message, code in these libraries is invoked that packages the message bits appropriately for the protocol that will be used to relay the message to the physical destination on the broker.

Java and C Client Support

A JMS provider is only required to support Java clients; however, as Figure 1–6 shows, a Message Queue client can use either the Java or a provider-specific C API to send or receive a message. These interfaces are implemented in Java or C runtime libraries, which do the actual work of creating connections to the broker and packaging the bits appropriately for the connection service requested.

The Message Queue service provides a C API to enable legacy C and C++ applications to participate in JMS-based messaging. There are a number of differences in the functionality provided by these two APIs; these are documented in Java and C Clients.

It is important to remember that the JMS specification is a standard for Java clients only. C support is specific to the Message Queue provider and should not be used in client applications that you plan to port to other providers.

SOAP Support for Java Clients

Message Queue Java clients are also able to send and receive SOAP messages, wrapped as JMS messages. SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) allows the exchange of structured data between two peers in a distributed environment. The data exchanged is specified by an XML scheme.

Sun SOAP processing is currently limited to using a point-to-point model and does not guarantee reliability. By wrapping a SOAP message in a JMS message and routing it using the broker, you can take advantage of full featured Message Queue messaging which guarantees reliable delivery and allows you to use the topic as well as the point-to-point domain. Message Queue provides utility routines that a message producer can use to wrap a SOAP message into a JMS message and that a message consumer can use to extract a SOAP message from the JMS message.

Working with SOAP Messages gives you a more detailed view of SOAP message processing.


The Message Queue service offers command line tools that you can use to do the following:

You can also use a GUI-based administration console to perform the following command-line functions:

Scaling the Message Queue Service

As the number of clients or the number of connections grows, you may need to scale the message service to eliminate bottlenecks or to improve performance. The Message Queue message service offers a number of scaling options, depending on your needs. These may be conveniently sorted into the following categories: