Sun Java System Message Queue 4.1 Technical Overview

Choosing a Clustering Model

The following table summarizes the differences between the two models. Use this information in deciding which model to use or in switching from one model to another.

Table 4–3 Clustering Model Differences



High Availability 


Slightly faster than high availability model. 

Slightly slower than conventional model 

Service availability 

Yes, but some operations are not possible when master broker is down. 


Data availability 

No, when a broker in the cluster id down. 

Yes at all times. 

Transparent failover recovery 

May not be possible if failover occurs during a commit. Rare. 

May not be possible if failover occurs during a commit and the client cannot reconnect to any other broker in the cluster. Extremely rare. 


Done by setting appropriate cluster configuration broker properties. 

Done by setting appropriate cluster configuration broker properties. 

Additional requirements 


Highly available database.