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iPlanet Directory Server IDDS Transition Guide

Chapter 2   Transition Procedure

This chapter outlines the procedure for transitioning from the Innosoft Distributed Directory Server (IDDS) to iPlanet Directory Server.

Steps to Transition

  1. Stop the IDDS process.

  2. Export all of the databases to LDIF files, using ldbmexport.

  3. Back up the installation directory: /opt/IIIdds or
    [Program Files]\Innosoft on Windows NT. This ensures that the directory server can be restored if a problem occurs during the transition procedure.

  4. On UNIX platforms, remove the symlink /etc/rc2.d/S93IIIdds to ensure that the directory server does not start automatically. On Windows NT, use the Control Panel to configure that the directory server service is started manually.

  5. If necessary, upgrade the operating system to the latest supported version.

  6. Apply the required operating system patches as documented in the iPlanet Directory Server Installation Guide.

  7. Choose an installation directory in the local file system for the iPlanet Directory Server. Do not install in the same directory as IDDS was installed, as this will prevent IDDS from being uninstalled properly.

  8. Install iPlanet Directory Server 5.0 as described in the iPlanet Directory Server Installation Guide.

  9. Use the iPlanet Console to configure the databases and other tuning settings for the iPlanet Directory Server. The following chapters provide more information on the differences between the configuration options of IDDS and iPlanet Directory Server.

  10. Stop the iPlanet Directory Server.

  11. On UNIX platforms, run the idsktune utility, located in the /bin/slapd/server directory. This utility will provide operating system tuning recommendations.

  12. Export the userRoot database of the iPlanet Directory Server, using the db2ldif program. This will provide an LDIF file containing a sample access control specification in the aci attribute.

  13. Edit the LDIF files that were obtained from the IDDS. You may need to add access control information to your LDIF files, because by default no aci attribute is present.

  14. Create a schema file in the slapd-<serverid>/config/schema directory, to contain any attribute and object class definitions needed by the entries. See the 00core.ldif file as an example of the new schema definition format.

  15. Load the LDIF files for each of the database into the iPlanet Directory Server, using the ldif2db tools. Be aware that it may be necessary to make some modifications to the schema or LDIF file in order to ensure that the files can be loaded.

  16. If you want to have the server start automatically on UNIX platforms, create a file in the /etc/rc2.d to invoke the start-slapd script to have the directory server started automatically.

  17. At this point you can uninstall IDDS.

  18. Reboot the system. This will ensure that any operating system patches and tuning settings take effect.

  19. Ensure that the iPlanet Administration Server and iPlanet Directory Server can be started properly, and that the directory manager can access all the entries.

  20. You may need to make additional configuration and tuning changes to the iPlanet Directory Server, in particular, access control and indexing. More information is available in the iPlanet Directory Server Administrator's Guide.

The following chapters provide more information on transitioning from the sls.conf file to equivalent settings in the iPlanet Directory Server configuration.

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Copyright © 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Some preexisting portions Copyright © 2001 Netscape Communications Corp. All rights reserved.

Last Updated June 19, 2001