Sun Remote System Control (RSC) User's Guide

RSC Configuration Commands

Use the following RSC commands to set or show characteristics of the RSC or server configuration:

set variable value

Use the set command to set an RSC configuration variable. You must have A level user permission to use this command. See "RSC Configuration Variables" for descriptions of these variables.

Changes to some variables do not take effect until the SSP that RSC is running on is reset using the command resetrsc or rscadm resetrsc.

You can use the null string ("") to set a variable to null. To set a variable to a string that includes spaces, enclose the string in double quotes. For example:

rsc> set page_info2 ""
rsc> set page_init1 "&F &E0"

show [variable]

Use the show command to display the value of RSC configuration variables. You can specify one variable only; if you do not specify a variable, RSC displays all configuration variables. See "RSC Configuration Variables" for descriptions of these variables.

date [[mmdd]HHMM|mmddHHMM[cc]yy][.SS]

Use the date command without arguments to show RSC's current date and time. If you have A level user permission, you can use the date command to set the current date and time. The following table describes components of the date format.

Table 4-3 Components of the date Command




Month number 


Day-of-the-month number 


Hour number (24-hour system) 


Minute number 


Second number 


First two digits of year 


Last two digits of year 

You may omit the month, day, and year; the current values are applied as defaults.


rsc> date 091521451998
rsc> date 09152145
rsc> date 2145

The first example sets the time to September 15, 9:45 p.m., 1998. The second example sets the time to September 15, 9:45 p.m. of the current year. The third example sets the time to 9:45 p.m. of the current month, day, and year.

Note -

Whenever the server boots, it sets the RSC current date and time. However, to keep RSC time in sync with server time, Sun Microsystems recommends that you implement a script that uses the command rscadm date -s to update RSC time periodically from the server time. The RSC shell date command cannot synchronize RSC time with the server time.


Use the password command to change the RSC password for the account to which you are logged in. This command behaves similarly to the UNIX passwd(1) command.

When used to change a password, RSC prompts for your current password, and if you enter it correctly, it prompts for the new password. RSC prompts again for the new password, and updates it if entered identically both times. For example:

rsc> password
password: Changing password for username
Enter login password: 
Enter new password: 
Re-enter new password: 

Passwords have the following restrictions:

useradd username

Adds an RSC user account. You must have U level user permission to use this command. The maximum number of RSC user accounts is four. Valid characters for username include:

The username field has a maximum length of eight characters, must contain at least one lowercase alphabetic character, and the first character must be alphabetic. If these restrictions are not met, the system issues a warning and the command fails.

userdel username

Deletes an RSC user account. You must have U level user permission to use this command.

usershow [username]

Shows RSC user accounts. You must have U level user permission to use this command. If no argument is supplied, all accounts are shown. Information displayed includes username, permissions, and whether a password is assigned. For example:

rsc> usershow
Username Permissions Password?
setup    cuar        Assigned
msmith   c--r        None

userpassword username

Sets or changes the password for the specified user account. You must have U level user permission to use this command. RSC does not prompt for an existing password. See the password command for details on password format and restrictions. For example:

rsc> userpassword msmith
New password: 
Re-enter new password: 

userperm username [c][u][a][r]

Sets or changes permission levels for a specified user account.

All RSC users can look at RSC information. The following arguments increase a user's authorization level:

You must have U level user permission to use this command. You can specify zero through four authorizations. The default authorization level for a new RSC account is none of the above.

If you do not specify authorization levels, RSC sets the permissions for username to read-only. However, the default user permission for the account you create during the installation procedure is cuar (full authorization).

A user with read-only permission can use the following commands only:


The resetrsc command performs a hard reset of RSC. This terminates all current RSC sessions. You must have A level user permission to use this command. You can also reset RSC by using the rscadm resetrsc command.