Sun Remote System Control (RSC) User's Guide

Setting Up the MultiTech Modem

Use the following procedure to set up the MultiTech MultiModem II.

Set Modem DIP Switches

Check that all modem DIP switches for the MultiTech MultiModem II are in the default position, as specified in the following table

Table B-3 MultiTech Modem II DIP Switch Settings


Switch Function 

Setting: Up/Down 

Forced DTR 

DTR function normally: Up 

Flow control 

Hardware flow control: Up 

Enable/suppress responses 

Enable responses: Down 

UNIX UUCP spoofing 

UUCP spoofing disabled: Up 

Enable/disable auto-answer 

Auto-answer enabled: Up 

Maximum throughput setting 

Maximum throughput enabled: Up 

Request to send forced 

RTS forced on: Down 

Enable/disable command mode 

Enable command mode: Down 

Digital loopback test 

Remote digital loopback test: Down 


Leased line/dial-up operation 

Dial-up operation: Up 


AT responses/MultiTech responses 

MultiTech responses: Down 


Asynchronous/synchronous operation 

Asynchronous operation: Down 


Speed switch 

28,800-bps operation: Up 


Speed switch 

28,800-bps operation: Up 


Carrier detect/DSR forcing 

CD and DSR normal: Up 


Modify RSC Configuration Variables

Using the RSC GUI or RSC shell, set the following configuration variables as shown.

Table B-4 MultiTech Modem II RSC Settings

GUI Setting 

Configuration Variable Setting 

Serial Port Settings 


Baud Rate: 9600 

Enable hardware handshaking 



serial_baud 9600

serial_hw_handshake true

Alert Settings->Pager->Pager 1->Advanced 


Baud Rate: 9600 

Modem Init. String: &D3&E0&E14$BA1



page_baud1 9600

page_init1 &D3&E0&E14$BA1

Alert Settings->Pager->Pager 2->Advanced 


Baud Rate: 9600 

Modem Init. String: &D3&E0&E14$BA1



page_baud2 9600

page_init2 &D3&E0&E14$BA1

The string &D3 sets the modem to reset when DTR drops, the string &E0 disables error correction, the string &E14 disables data compression, and the string $BA1 turns off speed conversion.

To check that these settings are correct, use the rscadm show command.

Modify Modem Settings

Use the rscadm modem_setup command to enter the following AT commands:

# rscadm modem_setup
ATZ (Reset modem)
AT$BA1 (Turn off speed conversion)
AT&W0 (Write out settings to modem)
AT$SB9600 (Set serial port baud rate to 9600)
AT&W0 (Write out settings to modem)
AT$BA0 (Turn on speed conversion)
AT&W0 (Store current settings to modem NVRAM)

After executing these AT commands, you can verify the modem settings in NVRAM by using the ATL5 command:

B1 E1 M1 Q0 R0 V1 X0 &E0 &E4 &E6 &E8 &E10 &E13 &E14 %C0 #C1 *C0 &C1 
$MB9600 $SB9600 $BA0 &W0 

After confirming settings, turn the modem off, reset RSC using the GUI or the resetrsc shell command, and then turn the modem on again.