Sun Remote System Control (RSC) User's Guide

Modem Reconfiguration Required After Changing RSC Serial Port Settings

If you change the RSC serial port baud rate after configuring the modem, you must reconfigure the modem to use the new baud rate. Use a similar procedure if you change the serial parity, data bits, or stop bits setting.

  1. Log in as root and use the rscadm modem_setup command.

    The modem adjusts automatically to the new baud rate.

  2. If desired, adjust the modem's phone line baud rate to match the serial port baud rate.

    For example, if you changed the serial port baud rate to 19200, use the following AT commands:

    For the MultiTech II modem: AT&$MB19200.

    For the Courier modem: AT&N10.

  3. Write the modem's current settings to the modem's NVRAM, so that the modem will default to the current settings.

    For the MultiTech II modem, use this AT command at the OK prompt: AT&W0.

    For the Courier modem, use this AT command at the OK prompt: AT&W.