Sun Remote System Control (RSC) User's Guide

Appendix C Creating a Script That Sends an Alert Message or RSC Event

You can embed the rscadm subcommand send_event in a script or command file to log an RSC event or send an alert when certain conditions occur. Use the -c option to send an alert.

This appendix provides an example Perl script file named that sends an RSC alert when a specified disk partition exceeds a specified percent of its capacity. To use this script as intended, submit a separate entry to the crontab utility for each disk partition you want to monitor.


# Disk Monitor
# USAGE: dmon <mount> <percent>
#  e.g.: dmon /usr 80

@notify_cmd = `/usr/platform/sun4u/sbin/rscadm';

if (scalar(@ARGV) != 2)
   print STDERR "USAGE: <mount_point> <percentage>\n";
   print STDERR " e.g. /export/home 80\n\n";

open(DF, "df -k|");
$title = <DF>;

$found = 0;
while ($fields = <DF>)
   ($fs, $size, $used, $avail, $capacity, $mount) = split(` `, $fields);
   if ($ARGV[0] eq $mount)
      $found = 1;
      if ($capacity > $ARGV[1])
         print STDERR "ALERT: \"", $mount, "\" is at ", $capacity, 
                      " of capacity, sending notification\n";
         $nofify_msg = `mount point "`.$mount.'" is at `.
                       $capacity.' of capacity';
         exec (@notify_cmd, `send_event', `-c', $nofify_msg)
               || die "ERROR: $!\n";

if ($found != 1)
   print STDERR "ERROR: \"", $ARGV[0], 
                "\" is not a valid mount point\n\n";
