Sun Remote System Control (RSC) User's Guide

consolehistory [boot|run|oboot|orun] [index [+|-]n] [pause n]

Use the consolehistory command to display console messages logged in RSC buffers. With no arguments, this command prints the entire contents of all non-empty console buffers. You can use the command abbreviation chist.

There are four console logs:

The boot and oboot buffers can contain up to 8 Kbytes of information, and the run and orun buffers can contain up to 16 Kbytes of information.

When the first power-on boot begins, RSC fills the original boot (oboot) buffer with data from the server's console. After that buffer fills up, it writes data to the original run (orun) log. When the orun log fills up, it overwrites old data in the orun log.

When RSC senses a server reset while in the orun log, it switches to the boot log. After that fills up, it switches to the run log. When the run log fills up, it overwrites old data in the run log.

When RSC senses a server reset while in the current run log, it switches to the current boot log again.

pause n

Use the pause subcommand to display n lines of the log at a time (similar to the more command). The value of n must be a decimal integer. The default is to display 10 lines of the log at a time.

See "loghistory [index [+|-]n] [pause n]" for a description of the index subcommand.

Note -

Time stamps recorded in console logs reflect server time. These time stamps may be offset from RSC time stamps recorded in the RSC event log. To find information on synchronizing RSC time with server time using the rscadm utility, see "date [-s] date [[mmdd]HHMM|mmddHHMM[cc]yy]][.SS]".