Sun Remote System Control (RSC) User's Guide

Modify RSC Configuration Variables

Using the RSC GUI or RSC shell, set the following configuration variables as shown.

Table B-6 Courier V.Everything RSC Settings

GUI Setting 

Configuration Variable Setting 

Serial Port Settings 


Baud Rate: 9600 

Enable hardware handshaking 



serial_baud 9600

serial_hw_handshake true

Alert Settings->Pager->Pager 1->Advanced 


Baud Rate: 9600 

Modem Init. String: E1&B1&M0&K0&N6



page_baud1 9600

page_init1 E1&B1&M0&K0&N6

Alert Settings->Pager->Pager 2->Advanced 


Baud Rate: 9600 

Modem Init. String: E1&B1&M0&K0&N6



page_baud2 9600

page_init2 E1&B1&M0&K0&N6

The string E1 turns echo on, the string &B1 sets fixed serial port baud rate, the string &M0 disables error correction, the string &K0 disables data compression, and the string &N6 sets baud rate to 9600.

To use a baud rate other than 9600, change the baud rate for pager 1 or 2, and also use the corresponding AT command in the modem initialization string:

To check that these settings are correct, use the rscadm show command.