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Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 8.1 2005Q1 Administration Guide


Who Should Use This Book
Before You Read This Book
How This Book Is Organized
Conventions Used in This Book
Typographic Conventions
Default Paths and File Names
Shell Prompts
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Chapter 1  

Getting Started

Chapter 2  

Deploying Applications

Chapter 3  

JDBC Resources

Chapter 4  

Configuring Java Message Service Resources

Chapter 5  

Configuring JavaMail Resources

Chapter 6  

JNDI Resources

Chapter 7  

Connector Resources

Chapter 8  

J2EE Containers

Chapter 9  

Configuring Security

Chapter 10  

Configuring Message Security

Chapter 11  


Chapter 12  

Configuring the HTTP Service

Chapter 13  

Configuring the Object Request Broker

Chapter 14  

Thread Pools

Chapter 15  

Configuring Logging

Chapter 16  

Monitoring Components and Services

Chapter 17  

Java Virtual Machine and Advanced Settings

Appendix A   Automatically Restarting a Domain
Appendix B   Dotted Name Attributes for domain.xml

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Copyright 2004-2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.