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User Commandsjspc(1M)


 jspc - precompiles JSP source files into servlets


 jspc [options] jsp_filesor jspc [options] -webapp dir


Use the jspc command to compile your JSP 2.0 compliant source files into servlets. To allow the Application Server to pick up the precompiled JSP pages from a JAR file, specify the -compile and -webinc or -webxml options, which cause the JSP pages to be mapped to their corresponding servlet class files. This means that the JSP compiler will be bypassed when those JSPs are accessed.



one or more JSP files to be compiled.

-webapp dir

a directory containing a web application. All JSPs in the directory and its subdirectories are compiled. You cannot specify a WAR, JAR, or ZIP file; you must first deploy it to an open directory structure using asadmin deploy.

-d dir

the output directory for the compiled JSPs. Package directories are automatically generated based on the directories containing the uncompiled JSPs. The default directory is the directory specified by the property, or the current directory.

-p name

the name of the target package for all specified JSPs, which is prepended to the package component derived from the directory in which the JSP pages are located. The default is org.apache.jsp.

-c name

the target class name of the first JSP compiled. Subsequent JSPs are unaffected.


outputs the name of the JSP page upon failure.


outputs the name of the JSP page upon success.

-uribase dir

the URI directory to which compilations are relative. Applies only to JSP files listed in the command, and not to JSP files specified with -webapp option. This is the location of each JSP file relative to the uriroot. If this cannot be determined, the default is /.

-uriroot dir

the root directory against which URI files are resolved. Applies only to JSP files listed in the command, and not to JSP files specified with -webapp option. If this option is not specified, all parent directories of the first JSP page are searched for a WEB-INF subdirectory. The closest directory to the JSP page that has one is used. If none of the JSP's parent directories have a WEB-INF subdirectory, the directory from which jspc is invoked is used.


Compile the generated servlets.


enables verbose mode.


generates separate write() calls for each HTML line and comments that describe the location of each line in the JSP file. By default, all adjacent write() calls are combined and no location comments are generated.

-die [ code ]

causes the JVM to exit and generates an error return code if a fatal error occurs. If the code is absent or unparsable it defaults to 1.

-webinc file

creates partial servlet mappings for the -webapp option, which can be pasted into a web.xml file.

-webxml file

creates an entire web.xml file for the -webapp option.

-classpath path

Override the system classpath with the specified classpath.

-ieplugin class_id

specifies the Java plugin COM class ID for Internet Explorer. Used by the jsp:plugin tags.


Adds an X-Powered-By HTTP response header.


Trim spaces in template text between actions and directives.


Print a summary of they syntax and options for this command.


Example 1. Using jspc to compile the JSP pages in a Web application

The following command compiles a set of JSP files into Java source files under /home/user/Hellodir:

jspc welcome.jsp shop.jsp checkout.jsp -d /home/user/Hellodir

The following command compiles all the JSP files in the specified webapp into class files under /home/user/Hellodir:

jspc --webapp /path_to_source_directory --compile --d /home/user/Hellodir

The following comand compiles a set of JSP files into Java class files in /home/user/Hellodir with the package name com.test.jsp prepended to the package hierarchy found in /path_to_source_directory. It creates web.xml in the output directory.

jspc --webapp /path_to_source_directory -compile -webxml /home/user/Hellodir/web.xml --d /home/user/Hellodir --p com.test.jsp

To use these precompiled JSP pages in your web application, package the servlet class files generated under /home/user/Hellodir into a JAR file, place the JAR file under WEB-INF/lib, and copy the generated /home/user/Hellodir/web.xml to WEB-INF/web.xml.



J2EE SDK 1.4Go To TopLast Changed 22 Dec 2004