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Sun Java System Application Server 8.1 Platform Edition 2005Q1 Error Message Reference 

Chapter 6
EJB Error Messages

This chapter describes messages for errors with a EJB prefix.



Problem occurred while deserializing stateful bean state.


Check the application classpath to ensure that all classes needed during deserialization are available.



An error occurred during the removal of an entitybean. One common cause is when the application throws a system exception from the ejbRemove method of an entity bean.


Check the exception stack trace to see if the exception originated from the entity bean implementation class.



An error occurred while looking up a Read Only Bean Notifier. The most common cause for this failure is that the string supplied to the getReadOnlyBeanNotifier method either does not refer to a read-only bean.


Check the application code that calls this method to make sure the string passed in refers to a valid read-only bean.



The bean's Home or LocalHome does not define a no-arg create method.


Check the Home or LocalHome interface for the appropriate create method signature. Running the verifier will help identify the error as well.



Some problem occurred during the beforeCompletionphase of the transaction lifecycle. This error often happens when application code throws a system exception from its ejbStore method or if the transaction manager encounters a system exception.


Check the stack trace to see if the exception originated from the application's ejbStore method. Also check the resource configuration to ensure that all resource managers involved in the transaction are configured properly and healthy.



Problem during EJB container runtime intitialization. See stack trace for more details. Some common causes are global JNDI name conflicts, classnotfound errors, and configuration errors for resources needed by the EJB.


If the EJB has a Remote view, check that its JNDIname does not clash with any other EJB's JNDI name or any other globalJNDI name. Check that all needed classes are available to the EJB. Also ensure that any resources needed by the EJB are available. If the EJB uses a datasource make sure the corresponding database is running. If it uses a queue makes sure the physical queue has been created.



This error indicates a mismatch in the required method signature rules between a method defined on a [Home, Remote, LocalHome, Local] interface and the corresponding bean implementation class. E.g., this would happen if a create method in a Home interface did not have a matching ejbCreate method in the bean class.


Run the verifier tool to check that the methods defined on the bean class are correct with respect to the exposed interface.



Error while creating the persistent representation of an EJB timer. This typically means there is some configuration error or runtime problem with the EJB timer service datasource.


Double-check the JDBC datasource (and its associated connection pool) assigned to the timer-datasource element in domain.xml. Common causes are that the database is not running, the timer table has not been created within that database, or that theconnection pool's JDBC driver URL information is incorrect.



A problem occurred while the container was activating a stateful session bean. One possible cause is that the bean code threw a system exception from its ejbActivate method.


Check the stack trace to see whether the exception was thrown from the ejbActivate method and if so double-check the application code to determine what caused the exception.



An error occurred during the afterCompletion phase of the transaction lifecycle.


Check stack trace for details of error encountered by EJB container

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Part No: 819-0790.   Copyright 2004-2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.