GNOME 2.0 Desktop for the Solaris Operating Environment Installation Guide

Chapter 1 Preparing to Install the GNOME 2.0 Desktop

This chapter tells you what you need to do before you can begin the installation of the GNOME 2.0 Desktop.

Before You Begin

Read this section before you download and install the GNOME 2.0 Desktop.

Installers for Different Platforms

You can download the following installers for the GNOME 2.0 Desktop, depending on your platform:

After you unpack the installer, you install the desktop environment software using the Install Wizard, which is the graphical user interface for the installer.

Installer Contents

Table 1–1 lists the contents of the desktop environment installer.

Table 1–1 Contents of the Desktop Environment Installer



Installed in... 

Platform-independent data files 

66 MB 


Platform-dependent configuration files 

4 MB 


Platform-dependent desktop environment files 

45 MB  


System-specific data files 

<1 MB 


Optional 64-bit libraries  

11 MB 


Optional development packages 

14 MB  


Platform-independent optional development packages 

18 MB 


Note –

The GNOME 2.0 Desktop is an English-language version only. You can install locales separately on top of the English-language base.

System Requirements

Table 1–2 lists the system requirements that you must have to install the desktop environment.

Table 1–2 System Requirements for the GNOME 2.0 Desktop

System Parameter 


Operating Environment 

  • Solaris 8 Operating Environment (OE): SPARC Architecture Edition or x86 Architecture Edition

  • Solaris 9 OE: SPARC Architecture Edition

  • Solaris 9 Update 2 OE: x86 Architecture Edition


The GNOME 2.0 Desktop runs on all hardware supported by the Solaris 8 OE or the Solaris 9 OE.  

Disk Space 

You must ensure that you have enough disk space on your root partition or /usr slice to install the desktop environment. The total free disk space that you require during the installation is the sum of the following for both the unpacked files in the download directory and the install image:

  • Desktop environment files.

  • Patches required by your system architecture.

  • Optional packages that you decide to install.

See Table 1–1 for the sizes of the various packages.

For example:  

The total maximum free disk space required during installation for Solaris 8 SPARC Architecture Edition, with all optional packages, is as follows:  

  • Unpacked files in the download directory: 300 MB

  • Install image: 300 MB

The total maximum free disk space for this example is therefore 600 MB.  

Note –

You can delete the files in the download directory after you successfully install the desktop environment in the install image directory.

Kernel Configuration 

For the Solaris 8 OE, the number of shared memory segments must be at least 256, or 100 hexadecimal. If this parameter is not set, or is set to less than 256, then the Install Wizard notifies you during the installation that you must set this parameter. Perform the following steps to set this parameter:

  1. Add the following line to the /etc/system file:

    set shmsys:shminfo_shmseg = 0x100

  2. Reboot the system.

For more information about the system file, use the following command to view the relevant manpage:  

man -s4 system


  • 128 MB per user session.

  • 96 MB per user session for a Sun RayTM configuration.


To enable AccessX functionality on systems other than Sun Ray thin clients, perform the following actions:

  1. Log in as root, then open a terminal window.

  2. Check that the file /etc/dt/config/Xservers does not exist, then run the following commands:

    1. mkdir -p /etc/dt/config

    2. cp /usr/dt/config/Xservers /etc/dt/config/Xservers

  3. Open the file /etc/dt/config/Xservers.

  4. Add the following string to the end of the Xsun command line in the Xservers file: +kb

  5. Exit and save the Xservers file.

  6. Run the following command: pkill -HUP dtlogin

  7. Log out of the desktop environment, then log back in.

  8. To verify that you have successfully enabled AccessX, run the following command and look for XKEYBOARD in the extensions list: xdpyinfo

Downloading the Installer

You must download the installer that is appropriate for your platform. See Installers for Different Platforms for more information. You download the installer as a single file.

To Download the Installer

Perform the following steps to download the installer for the GNOME 2.0 Desktop:

  1. Perform the instructions in Before You Begin.

  2. Ensure that you have enough disk space for the download and the installation, see System Requirements.

  3. Decide which directory you want to download the installer into. Because you have to install the desktop environment as root, the download directory must be accessible by root.

  4. View the following web page in your browser:

  5. Click on the Download Now link for the required installer in the Download section of the page.

  6. Log in if you are an existing download user, or go to the registration page if you are a new user.

  7. Read the Terms of Use page, select Accept, then click Continue.

  8. In the Download page, click on the description of the tarball that you want to download.

  9. Download the tar file for the installer from the Sun Download Center to a root-accessible directory.

To Unpack the Installer

Perform the following steps to unpack the installer:

  1. Use the cd command to change into the directory where you downloaded the tar file for the installer.

  2. Depending on your system platform, execute one of the following commands to unpack the installer:

    SPARC Architecture Edition: 

    gunzip -c gnome-2_0-fcs-solaris8-sparc.tar.gz | tar xvpf -

    gunzip -c gnome-2_0-fcs-solaris9-sparc.tar.gz | tar xvpf -

    x86 Architecture Edition:  

    gunzip -c gnome-2_0-fcs-solaris8-x86.tar.gz | tar xvpf -

    gunzip -c gnome-2_0-fcs-solaris9-x86.tar.gz | tar xvpf -

  3. When the installer is fully unpacked, you can delete the downloaded file to free up disk space. Use one of the following commands:

    SPARC Architecture Edition: 

    rm gnome-2_0-fcs-solaris8-sparc.tar.gz

    rm gnome-2_0-fcs-solaris9-sparc.tar.gz

    x86 Architecture Edition:  

    rm gnome-2_0-fcs-solaris8-x86.tar.gz

    rm gnome-2_0-fcs-solaris9-x86.tar.gz

Removing Beta Versions of the GNOME 2.0 Desktop

You must remove any beta versions of the GNOME 2.0 Desktop that are on your system before you can install the GNOME 2.0 Desktop. To remove a beta version of the GNOME 2.0 Desktop, perform the following actions:

  1. Log in as root, then open a terminal window.

  2. At the command prompt type the following command:

    cd gnome-install-directory/gnome-install

    Where gnome-install-directory is the directory where you unpacked the installer.

  3. Run the following command:
