Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 Prelude Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Uninstall an Installed Component

Before You Begin

Verify that there are no dependencies on the installed component before removing it.

  1. Obtain a list of all your installed components:

    pkg list

    Information similar to the following is displayed:

    NAME (AUTHORITY)                              VERSION         STATE      UFIX
    glassfishv3-common                            0-1             installed  ----
    glassfishv3-ejb                               0-1             installed  u---
    glassfishv3-nucleus                           0-1             installed  ----
    glassfishv3-web                               0-1             installed  ----
    grails                                        1.0-1.0         installed  ----
    jersey                                        0.7-0.1         installed  u---
    jmaki                                         1.8.0-1.0       installed  ----
    jruby                                         1.1.1-1.0       installed  ----
    metro                                         1.2-1           installed  u---
    pkg                                           0.1.4-6.564     installed  u---
    python2.4-minimal                             2.4.4-6.564     installed  u---
    updatetool (                    2.0-6.564       installed  u---
    wxpython2.8-minimal                    installed  u---
  2. Uninstall the component that you want removed from your system.

    Use the following syntax: pkg uninstall package-name. For example:

    pkg uninstall jruby
  3. To apply your changes, restart Enterprise Server.

    1. Stop Enterprise Server.

      For instructions, see To Stop a Domain (or Server).

    2. Start Enterprise Server.

      For instructions, see To Start a Domain (or Server).

See Also

Full syntax and options for using the pkg command are described in the pages in the as-install /pkg/man/ directory. These reference pages are not displayed by using the man command. Instead, use a command such as more or cat.