Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 Prelude Administration Guide

User Management Commands


Adds the specified authentication realm. Restart the server for the creation to take effect. Supported in remote mode only. For procedural information in this guide, see To Create an Authentication Realm.


Creates a file user in a given file-based authentication realm. An entry is added to the keyfile with the specified user name, password, and groups. Multiple groups can be created by separating each one with a colon (:). Restart the server for changes to take effect. Supported in remote mode only. For procedural information in this guide, see To Create a File User.


Deletes the specified authentication realm. Restart the server for changes to take effect. Supported in remote mode only. For procedural information in this guide, see To Delete an Authentication Realm.


Deletes the specified user entry in the keyfile. Restart the server for changes to take effect. Supported in remote mode only. For procedural information in this guide, see To Delete a File User.


Lists the existing authentication realms. Supported in remote mode only. For procedural information in this guide, see To List Authentication Realms.


Lists the file users supported by the file realm authentication method. Supported in remote mode only. For procedural information in this guide, see To List File Users.


Lists groups for a file user, or all groups if the --name option is not specified. For procedural information in this guide, see To List File Groups.


Updates an existing entry in the keyfile using the specified user name, password, and groups. Restart the server for changes to take effect. Supported in remote mode only. For procedural information in this guide, see To Update a File User.