Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 Prelude Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Update All Installed Components in an Image

Enterprise Server enables you to maintain multiple installation images on a single system. When you update an installation image, all the components that are present in that image are updated to new versions, if new versions are available. When you install updated versions of components, only those files that have been modified are downloaded and installed. Files that have been removed in the updated package are removed during the update process.

  1. Install all packages for the image.

    Use the following syntax: pkg install image-name. For example:

    pkg image-update

    Information similar to the following is displayed:

    DOWNLOAD                                     PKGS       FILES     XFER (MB)
    Completed                                    6/6     729/729   21.59/21.59 
    PHASE                                        ACTIONS
    Removal Phase                                887/887 
    Update Phase                                 253/253 
    Install Phase                                584/584 
  2. To apply your changes, restart Enterprise Server.

    1. Stop Enterprise Server.

      For instructions, see To Stop a Domain (or Server).

    2. Start Enterprise Server.

      For instructions, see To Start a Domain (or Server).

See Also

Full syntax and options for using the pkg command are described in the pages in the as-install /pkg/man/ directory. These reference pages are not displayed by using the man command. Instead, use a command such as more or cat.