Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 Prelude Administration Guide

JDBC Drivers, Full Support

The following JDBC driver and database combinations have been tested and are supported for container-managed persistence:

To see the most current list of supported JDBC drivers, refer to the Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 Prelude Release Notes.

Sun GlassFish JDBC Driver for DB2 Databases

The JAR files for this driver are smbase.jar, smdb2.jar, and smutil.jar. Configure the connection pool using the following settings:

Sun GlassFish JDBC Driver for Oracle 8.1.7 and 9.x Databases

The JAR files for this driver are smbase.jar, smoracle.jar, and smutil.jar. Configure the connection pool using the following settings:

Sun GlassFish JDBC Driver for Microsoft SQL Server Databases

The JAR files for this driver are smbase.jar, smsqlserver.jar, and smutil.jar. Configure the connection pool using the following settings:

Sun GlassFish JDBC Driver for Sybase Databases

The JAR files for this driver are smbase.jar, smsybase.jar, and smutil.jar. Configure the connection pool using the following settings:

IBM DB2 Type 2 Driver

The JAR files for the DB2 driver are db2jcc.jar, db2jcc_license_cu.jar, and Set your environment variables . For example:


Configure the connection pool using the following settings:

Java DB/Derby Type 4 Driver

The JAR file for the Java DB/Derby driver is derbyclient.jar. (Java DB is based upon Apache Derby.) Configure the connection pool using the following settings:

JConnect Type 4 Driver for Sybase ASE 12.5 Databases

The JAR file for the Sybase driver is jconn2.jar. Configure the connection pool using the following settings:

MM MySQL Type 4 Driver (Non-XA)

The JAR file for the MySQL driver is mysql-connector-java-version-bin-g.jar, for example, mysql-connector-java-3.1.12-bin-g.jar. Configure the connection pool using the following settings: