Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 Prelude Reference Manual
 add-resources ( Index Term Link )
 adds a new HTTP listener socket ( Index Term Link )
 adds an audit module ( Index Term Link )
 adds the named authentication realm ( Index Term Link )
 an Enterprise Server instance has its own Java EE configuration, Java EE resources, application deployment areas, and server configuration settings. ( Index Term Link )
 application ( Index Term Link )
 asadmin ( Index Term Link )
 change-master-password ( Index Term Link )
 changes the master password ( Index Term Link )
 configuration ( Index Term Link )
 connectivity. ( Index Term Link )
 create-audit-module ( Index Term Link )
 create-auth-realm ( Index Term Link )
 create-domain ( Index Term Link )
 create-file-user ( Index Term Link )
 create-http-listener ( Index Term Link )
 create-jdbc-connection-pool ( Index Term Link )
 create-jdbc-resource ( Index Term Link )
 create-jvm-options ( Index Term Link )
 create-profiler ( Index Term Link )
 create-ssl ( Index Term Link )
 create-system-properties ( Index Term Link )
 create-virtual-server ( Index Term Link )
 creates a domain with the given name ( Index Term Link )
 creates a JDBC resource with the specified JNDI name ( Index Term Link )
 creates a list of file users ( Index Term Link )
 creates a new file user ( Index Term Link )
 creates and configures the SSL element in the selected HTTP listener, IIOP listener, or IIOP service ( Index Term Link )
 creates options in the Java configuration or profiler element of the domain.xml file. ( Index Term Link )
 creates the named virtual server ( Index Term Link )
 creates the profiler element ( Index Term Link )
 delete-auth-realm ( Index Term Link )
 delete-domain ( Index Term Link )
 delete-file-user ( Index Term Link )
 delete-http-listener ( Index Term Link )
 delete-jdbc-connection-pool ( Index Term Link )
 delete-jdbc-resource ( Index Term Link )
 delete-jvm-options command ( Index Term Link )
 delete-profiler ( Index Term Link )
 delete-ssl ( Index Term Link )
 delete-system-property ( Index Term Link )
 delete-virtual-server ( Index Term Link )
 deletes the given domain ( Index Term Link )
 deletes the profiler element ( Index Term Link )
 deletes the SSL element in the selected HTTP listener, IIOP listener, or IIOP service ( Index Term Link )
 deploy ( Index Term Link )
 deploydir ( Index Term Link )
 deploys an exploded format of application archive ( Index Term Link )
 deploys the specified component ( Index Term Link )
 disable ( Index Term Link )
 disables the component ( Index Term Link )
 displays monitoring data for commonly used Enterprise Server components ( Index Term Link )
 displays the version information ( Index Term Link )
 domain ( Index Term Link )
 Domain Administration Server of the specified domain ( Index Term Link )
 domain.xml file ( Index Term Link )
 dotted–names ( Index Term Link )
 enable ( Index Term Link )
 enables the component ( Index Term Link )
 Enterprise Server instances, deployed applications, resources, domains each have their own configurations. ( Index Term Link )
 generate-jvm-report ( Index Term Link )
 get ( Index Term Link )
 gets all audit modules and displays them ( Index Term Link )
 gets all JDBC resources ( Index Term Link )
 gets the values of the monitorable or configurable attributes ( Index Term Link )
 instance ( Index Term Link )
 lets you log in to a domain ( Index Term Link )
 list ( Index Term Link )
 list-applications ( Index Term Link )
 list-audit-modules ( Index Term Link )
 list-auth-realms ( Index Term Link )
 list-commands ( Index Term Link )
 list-components ( Index Term Link )
 list-containers ( Index Term Link )
 list-domains ( Index Term Link )
 list-file-groups ( Index Term Link )
 list-file-users ( Index Term Link )
 list-http-listeners ( Index Term Link )
 list-jdbc-connection-pools ( Index Term Link )
 list-jdbc-resources ( Index Term Link )
 list-jvm-options ( Index Term Link )
 list-modules ( Index Term Link )
 list-system-properties ( Index Term Link )
 list-virtual-servers ( Index Term Link )
 lists all JDBC connection pools ( Index Term Link )
 lists application containers ( Index Term Link )
 lists Application Server modules ( Index Term Link )
 lists available commands ( Index Term Link )
 lists deployed applications ( Index Term Link )
 lists deployed components ( Index Term Link )
 lists options for the Java application launcher ( Index Term Link )
 lists the authentication realms ( Index Term Link )
 lists the configurable elements ( Index Term Link )
 lists the domains in the specified domain directory ( Index Term Link )
 lists the existing HTTP listeners ( Index Term Link )
 lists the existing virtual servers ( Index Term Link )
 lists the file groups ( Index Term Link )
 lists the system properties of the domain ( Index Term Link )
 log application server events. ( Index Term Link )
 logging ( Index Term Link )
 login ( Index Term Link )
 monitor ( Index Term Link )
 monitor application server runtime. ( Index Term Link )
 monitoring ( Index Term Link )
 passwords ( Index Term Link )
 ping-connection-pool ( Index Term Link )
 redeploy ( Index Term Link )
 redeploys the specified application ( Index Term Link )
 registers a JDBC connection pool ( Index Term Link )
 registers the resource in the XML file specified ( Index Term Link )
 removes a deployed component ( Index Term Link )
 removes a JCBC resource ( Index Term Link )
 removes a virtual server ( Index Term Link )
 removes an HTTP listener ( Index Term Link )
 removes one system property of the domain, configuration, cluster, or server instance, at a time ( Index Term Link )
 removes options from the Java configuration or profiler elements of the domain.xml file ( Index Term Link )
 removes the named authentication realm ( Index Term Link )
 removes the named file user ( Index Term Link )
 removes the specified JDBC connection pool ( Index Term Link )
 resources ( Index Term Link )
 returns the length of time that the DAS has been running ( Index Term Link )
 secure and administer application server. ( Index Term Link )
 security ( Index Term Link )
 security credentials. ( Index Term Link )
 server-side Java applications and Web services. ( Index Term Link )
 set ( Index Term Link )
 sets the values of attributes ( Index Term Link )
 shows the threads, classes and memory for a given target instance ( Index Term Link )
 start-database ( Index Term Link )
 start-domain ( Index Term Link )
 starts a domain ( Index Term Link )
 starts the Java DB ( Index Term Link )
 stop-database ( Index Term Link )
 stop-domain ( Index Term Link )
 stops the bundled Java DB ( Index Term Link )
 syntax. ( Index Term Link )
 tests that a connection pool is usable ( Index Term Link )
 the default administrative domain. ( Index Term Link )
 undeploy ( Index Term Link )
 update-file-user ( Index Term Link )
 updates a current file user as specified ( Index Term Link )
 uptime ( Index Term Link )
 utility for performing administrative tasks for Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server ( Index Term Link )
 version ( Index Term Link )