Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 Prelude Application Deployment Guide

Sun Java System Application Server Descriptors

Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server uses optional deployment descriptors in addition to the Java EE standard descriptors for configuring features specific to the Enterprise Server.

Note –

Settings in the Enterprise Server deployment descriptors override corresponding settings in the Java EE deployment descriptors and in the Enterprise Server's domain.xml file unless otherwise stated. For more information about the domain.xml file, see the Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 Prelude Administration Reference.

Each deployment descriptor (or XML) file has a corresponding DTD file, which defines the elements, data, and attributes that the deployment descriptor file can contain. The DTD files for the Enterprise Server deployment descriptors are located in the as-install/lib/dtds directory.

Note –

Do not edit the DTD files; their contents change only with new versions of the Enterprise Server.

For general information about DTD files and XML, see the XML specification at

The following table lists the Enterprise Server deployment descriptors and their DTD files.

Table A–1 Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server Descriptors

Deployment Descriptor 

DTD File 




Configures a web application (WAR file). 



Configures an enterprise bean (EJB JAR file). 

Note –

The Enterprise Server deployment descriptors must be readable and writable by the file owners.

In each deployment descriptor file, subelements must be defined in the order in which they are listed under each Subelements heading, unless otherwise noted.