RESTful Web Services Developer's Guide

Web Resources for Bookstore Application

The Bookstore resource returns a list of items, either CDs or books. The resource dynamically references a Book or CD resource using the getItem method that is annotated with @Path. Both the Book and CD resources inherit from the Item class, therefore, the item can be managed polymorphically.

The following snippet of code from adds some items to the bookstore application and, using a URI path template to pass in the item ID, provides a method for retrieving the item.

public class Bookstore {    
    private final Map<String, Item> items = new TreeMap<String, Item>();
    private String name;
    public Bookstore() {
        setName("Czech Bookstore");
        getItems().put("1", new Book("Svejk", "Jaroslav Hasek"));
        getItems().put("2", new Book("Krakatit", "Karel Capek"));
        getItems().put("3", new CD("Ma Vlast 1", "Bedrich Smetana", new Track[]{
            new Track("Vysehrad",180),
            new Track("Vltava",172),
            new Track("Sarka",32)}));
    public Item getItem(@PathParam("itemid") String itemid) {
        Item i = getItems().get(itemid);
        if (i == null)
            throw new NotFoundException("Item, " + itemid + ", is not found");
        return i;
   . . . 

Both the Book and the CD resources inherit from the Item class. This allows the resources to be managed polymorphically. The Book resource has a title and an author. The CD resource has a title, author, and list of tracks. The Track resource has a name and a track length.

The following code snippet from the CD resource dynamically references the Track resource using the getTrack method that is annotated with @Path.

public class CD extends Item {
    private final Track[] tracks;
    public CD(final String title, final String author, final Track[] tracks) {
        super(title, author);
        this.tracks = tracks;
    public Track[] getTracks() {
        return tracks;
    public Track getTrack(@PathParam("num") int num) {
        if (num >= tracks.length)
            throw new NotFoundException("Track, " + num + ", 
            of CD, " + getTitle() + ", is not found");
        return tracks[num];