Getting Started With Project jMaki for the GlassFish v3 Application Server

ProcedureInstalling the GlassFish v3 JavaEE Integration Plug-in and the jMaki Ajax Support Plug-in

With this task, you will install the GlassFish v3 Java EE Integration plug-in and the jMaki plug-in into NetBeans IDE 6.1.

  1. Within the IDE, select Tools from the menu bar.

  2. Select Plugins.

  3. Select the Settings tab.

  4. Select the Available Plugins pane.

  5. Select the checkbox next to GlassFish v3 JavaEE Integration Module.

  6. Also on the Available Plugins pane, select the checkbox next to jMaki Ajax Support.

  7. Click Install.

  8. Select Restart the IDE Now.

  9. After the IDE restarts, go to the Tools menu and select Servers.

  10. Click Add Server.

  11. Select GlassFish v3 TP2 from the Server pane.

  12. Enter a name for the server in the Name field and click Next.

  13. Click Browse to select the installation location for the server.

  14. Select the checkbox to indicate you've read the license and click Download V3 Now.