Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 Prelude Add-On Component Development Guide

Specifying the Name of an Option

The name of an option is the name that a user must type on the command line to specify the option when running the command.

The name of each option that you add in your implementation of an asadmin command can have a long form and a short form. When running the command, the user specifies the long form and the short form as follows:

For example, the short form and the long form of the name of the option for specifying terse output are as follows:

Note –

Option names are case-sensitive.

Specifying the Long Form of an Option Name

To specify the long form of an option name, set the name element of the @Param annotation to a string that specifies the name. If you do not set this element, the default name depends on how you represent the option.

Specifying the Short Form of an Option Name

To specify the short form of an option name, set the shortName element of the @Param annotation to a single character that specifies the short form of the parameter. The user can specify this character instead of the full parameter name, for example -m instead of --monitor. If you do not set this element, the option has no short form.